Sunrise on Half Moon Bay - Robyn Carr Page 0,95

said. “I’ll bring it up. I’ll tell them I met you through a friend at the Silicon Valley office, which is true. I’ll mention that we’ve been talking and have gone out a few times.”

“Eleven times,” he said. “And I’m starting to wonder what I’d do if I didn’t have more of you to look forward to. I’m also thinking about all the fun things we can do together once your family signs off on me.”

She leaned toward him, her arms resting on the table. “I’m sure they’ll like you, but it doesn’t matter whether they do or not. I get to pick my own boyfriend. I can’t wait to hear what fun things.”

“We might try concerts in the city—the Bay Area books some great musicians. I have a few friends who work security for special events, and I can let them know I’m interested in tickets. We could hit a hockey game in San Jose. They have a great team. Lake Tahoe isn’t far. We might spend a day or two there. And just on the off chance you’re ready...” He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a key card. “No pressure. But I’m crazy about you. I won’t elaborate because I don’t want to scare you.”

“I don’t know how I would have gotten through this madness without our long talks, our eleven dates,” she said. “But it’s not that I’m just grateful, Logan. It’s like I was dragged kicking and screaming into a new life, and largely because of you, I’m growing to love my new life. I never thought I was unhappy, but I recognize I really am happy now. It’s a new state of being.”

“I’m proud of you, Justine,” he said. “I’ve been there. The betrayal and rejection is a terrible ordeal, and you’ve been brave. And strong.”

“I’ve complained a lot,” she said. “I’ve had some dark days. But my new home and new job are just right for me.”

“I wasn’t calling you to help you,” he said. “I’m glad if it did. But I was on those calls and dates because I’m attracted to you. Because I wanted to talk to you, get to know you, spend time with you.”

“I know,” she said. “This can’t be real, can it? That I would fall for the detective I hired to get the dirt on my cheating husband?”

“Stranger things have happened. What should we do now?”

“Maybe it’s time to ask for the check,” she said.

* * *

They stood just inside the door of the hotel room and kissed, wrapped around each other. His lips slid over hers smoothly, deliciously, and their tongues played. There was no awkwardness as this wasn’t their first kiss. It was the first time they both knew they would end up in bed. Justine had fantasized about this for at least a few weeks, and so far, it was living up to her fantasy. His hands slid down her back to her butt, pulling her against him, letting her know there was much more in store for her.

She hummed approvingly against his lips.

“You taste so good,” he whispered. “Being alone with you is just what I’ve been needing.”

She was needing him, too. She’d thought about it for longer than she even dared to admit. The first time one of their late night chats veered away from her ex and her divorce into ordinary topics from the traffic in the Bay Area to what they were each reading, she had that lilting, tingling feeling inside that came when you found someone entirely and completely right. The feeling grew by the day; she couldn’t wait for that text or call each day. And they had since invaded each other’s day as well with good-morning texts and midday calls. They kept each other up to date on the news, weather, amusing current events and miscellany. There was a marathon in San Francisco that held Logan up in traffic for a couple of hours; he described every detail. There was a huge beach party that crowded Half Moon Bay with tourists. The commotion had lured Justine out of her office, and she described every interesting person to Logan.

Now, in his arms, all she could think about was his tall, firm Copyright 2016 - 2024