Sunrise on Half Moon Bay - Robyn Carr Page 0,101

“Maybe you’re in a bad place,” he taunted. “Maybe there’s an argument that you used your advantage as a lawyer to talk me out of fair representation. Maybe we should go to court.”

She sighed. Really, she had not expected this. “She wants more money, does she? You signed off, you got what the law says you were owed. If anyone was treated unfairly, it was me and the girls. We’re done here.”

She turned to leave and he said, “I can sue you.”

She looked back at him. “Good luck with that! You can sue anyone for anything, Scott. Don’t forget, I’m a lawyer. Throw away more money if you want, but I can assure you, you won’t win. I don’t owe you anything.”

And she walked away, vowing never to return to that kayak shack.

Chapter Fifteen

Adele and Jake had been spending more time together at Jake’s house since Justine and the girls moved into her space. This night they sautéed chicken breasts and vegetables with some Chinese noodles for dinner. They chose to watch Addie’s favorite holiday movie, Love Actually, even though Thanksgiving was still weeks away. She watched it every year, but Jake had never seen it. Both the dinner and the movie were a roaring success—she already knew she loved it and was pleased Jake did, as well. After they finished eating in front of the TV and retired their trays to the kitchen, Adele snuggled a little closer to Jake.

And he pulled her yet closer.

“We should have a talk,” Jake said.

“A talk?” she repeated. “Sounds serious.”

“I think it is,” he said. “I’d like to know what your plan is.”

She sat up a bit straighter. “You already know everything, Jake. I’m going to keep my current job, go to school, emerge as a counselor who can actually do some good...”

“Live in your house with your sister and nieces, have dinner with me twice a week, graduate from platonic kisses to hot kisses to weekly sex?”

She smiled at him. “I’m not opposed to that idea.”

“That’s why we have to talk. Addie, you take your sweet old time making up your mind about things. I think I’ve been on the back burner just about long enough.”

“How can you say that? I have a great job, the first one I applied for, and I’ve committed to finishing my master’s. In a new program yet!”

“You’re going to think I’m being mean, but it took you eight years.”

“Not really! I mean, in the first place I had a real serious trauma. A terrible relationship that led to a trauma. It was devastating and I admit, it took a while to recover. Then my mom.... But I always meant to get to this place!”

“So, here’s my question, Addie. What place do I have in your life?”

“Jake,” she said, shocked. “You’re my best friend! I’ve told you a million times—I don’t know what I’d do without you!”

“I like being your best friend. But I’d like a little something more.”

“Like what? Like sex?” Then she smiled at him, trying to tease him out of this mood.

“This is my fault,” he said. “I always wanted to explain myself better, to tell you how I really feel. It’s hard for me. I think it’s hard for most men, but I’m off the charts. The truth is, I want more. Maybe we don’t want any of the same things, and if that’s the case, we need to face it. I want a family. A wife and a couple of kids, but I’d be happy to have one kid.”

“Jake, you’ve never told me that before!” she said.

“There’s plenty of time but I don’t want to play games. What about you? What do you want?”

“I used to think I wanted a child. I sure wanted one once. Losing him almost killed me. Now I’m focused on having a career. I want to be able to take care of myself. That’s the one thing about Justine that I admire the most—she’s completely capable of taking care of herself.”

“You can take care of yourself, Addie. You’ve been taking care Copyright 2016 - 2024