Summer's Distant Heart - Laura Landon Page 0,31

thunder beneath her ear.

“I should apologize, Lia, but I cannot. I wanted to kiss you too desperately.”

“As I wanted to kiss you,” she whispered. “But it cannot happen again.”


She pulled away from him. “Because it cannot. Your father would not allow it.”

“Damn my father! I refuse to let him ruin my life like he did Evan’s.”

“Only, this time I would ruin your life.”

“How could you possibly ruin my life?”

She scoffed. “You know well the brutal arm of the ton. The day will come when you will be expected to take your place in Society. If not for your own sake, then for George’s. How can you expect to be accepted if the woman you marry is a commoner? How can you expect George to be accepted when it becomes known that his very mother was a commoner as well as the woman his uncle married?”

“Damn Society! I don’t care a whit what they think.”


Hunter knew Lia’s demand was meant to stop the discussion they were having as well as to make him believe such talk was impossible.

“We’re getting ahead of ourselves,” she continued, then lowered her gaze to her clenched fists in her lap. “I would like to return to the house, Hunt. I’m tired.”

“Of course you are.”

He rose and helped her to her feet. She stumbled and he pulled her against him and held her.

She lifted her gaze and he lowered his head to kiss her once more. She met his kiss, but did not encourage him to continue.

“Let me get you into the house.”

He’d kept her out too long. He’d asked too much of her. Hunter vowed to see her right upstairs, but when they entered, Miles was walking through the solarium toward them.

“Miles,” she said reaching for her brother.

“Are you feeling better, Lia?”

“Yes, much.”

“You gave us quite a fright.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

“Well, you look much better than you did the last time I saw you.”

“I am. Have you had something to eat?”

“Not lately.”

Hunter greeted Miles. “I’ll have the staff prepare the table, then have Cook send in something to eat.”

“I’d appreciate that.”

“I’ll be happy to relay the message on the way to my room,” Lia murmured. “You must excuse me, gentlemen. I feel the need to retire.”

Hunter nodded and Lia left the room. He studied Lia’s brother, curious over the tension he saw in the man’s bearing. “What have you found out?”

“There are several men staying at the Carbury Inn.” Miles drew a weary hand through his hair and took the seat Hunter offered.

“That’s not twenty minutes from here. How many?”

“At least three. Perhaps more. I believe they’ve been sent by your father. They’re asking questions concerning you and my younger sister.”

“They know about Janice.”

“Yes. Of course, nobody around here even knows the names. And from what they’re asking, I don’t think they know that Jannie died in childbirth. Or that Lia is here with you. But from their inquiries, I believe your father knows there is a child. They seem to be preparing to travel with an infant.”

A gasp from the doorway caused the men to turn to see who had overheard their conversation.

“Frannie?” Hunter said, rising to his feet. “Did you need something?”

“I was looking for her ladyship.”

“I think you will find her in the dining room.”

“Thank you, my lord.” Frannie bobbed a polite curtsy, then hurried away.

“Should we worry?” Miles asked. “Should we tell Lia?”

Hunter shook his head. “I don’t believe so. She’s going to know soon enough. And if we have to move the child, she will have to go with him.”

Miles agreed just as Lia re-entered the solarium.

“Did Frannie find you?” he asked.

“Yes. It seems your nephew wants more to eat than Frannie can provide,” she said with a smile. “She asked if I thought it would be alright if she fed him a little porridge, or mashed vegetables. As if I’m an expert on raising babies.”

“You’ve done an admirable job so far, Lia,” Miles said. “Don’t doubt yourself now.”

“What did you find out, Miles?”

Miles looked at Hunter for approval to tell Lia what he’d discovered. Hunter nodded. It would be impossible to keep her in the dark. What good would that accomplish?

“Lord Trentridge has suspected you might be in the area and has sent several men to investigate.”

The color left Lia’s face and she reached out to steady herself.

“Lia?” Hunter watched abject fear drain the color from her face and an instant later raced across the floor to reach her before she collapsed.

Chapter 10

Lia opened her eyes to see Copyright 2016 - 2024