Summer's Distant Heart - Laura Landon Page 0,30

gaze to look at him. “And he blames you for her death?”

“Yes. That plus the fact that Evan had my father’s hair and eyes, and I inherited my mother’s.”

“So, every time he looks at you, he is reminded of what he lost.”

“Yes. You’re quite perceptive.”

“I’m sorry,” Lia said.

“Don’t be. I stopped seeking his love years ago. The price of groveling for it became too high.”

They took a few more steps down the path, then Lia saw what she was looking for—a bench beneath a rose-laden arbor. “Would you mind if we sit for a moment?”

“Of course not. Forgive me. I wasn’t thinking. You’re probably tired. Here.” He drew his arm around her shoulder to turn her toward the bench. As warm ribbons of comfort cascaded about her, Lia became aware that it was more than a bench she’d been hoping to find. Much more.

She relished the feel of him close beside her as they sat.

“I didn’t think I would tire so quickly. But it seems…”

Quite without realizing it, Lia’s mind withdrew from her worries and focused on the soft, slow, rhythmic stroking of Hunter’s hand that had quite successfully robbed her of words. She doubted he even knew he was doing it, but she prayed her shoulder would hold the memory of it for a long, long time.

What was there about him that consumed her with this welling passion? She had no wish to feel this way. Once before, she’d fallen in love with a man who’d carried a title. And she’d been abandoned by him because she wasn’t a member of the ton. Her hopes had been dashed as thoroughly as her heart had shattered.

But then, it had always been important to the nobility that they not marry beneath them. Montclaire’s brother and her own sister were rare exceptions in their determination to stand against the beau monde. And yet, in the end even her dear sister had hidden from Society’s scorn. As for herself, Lia did not want to put herself through that turmoil ever again.

She shivered, and felt her heart shift in concert with the soothing fingers that gently stroked her arm.

“Are you alright? Or would you rather go back into the house?”

“No. I’m fine. Truly.” She turned and found him facing her. “I don’t want to go back…yet,” she said softly. Though she did not feel weak, she certainly was atremble, and the thought of walking seemed more than she could manage.

It was quite another thought that invaded her conscious mind at the moment—the thought of what it might feel like to touch his lips with hers. He dropped his head, bringing his mouth tantalizingly near as he sought to look her in the eye.

“Are you feeling faint?” His concerned gaze was locked with hers and his arm stretched more securely around her.

“Yes,” she whispered. “I mean, no. I mean…that is…”

Keeping his arm around her shoulders, he lifted his other hand to cover her clasped hands. His touch caused her to take an involuntary gasping breath.

He tucked his head lower, searching her eyes for a caution she knew she should issue, but could not.

Instead, she kept her gaze locked with his as he brought his face closer. His gaze lowered to her mouth, to her lips. The very nearness betrayed his intent. He was going to kiss her. She knew it without a doubt and she wasn’t going to stop him. She should, she knew. But she wasn’t going to.

He brought his mouth down on hers and kissed her. Softly. Sweetly. A tender touch that launched a most welcome flood of longing.

He deepened his kiss as if he’d wished for it for some time but hadn’t found the opportunity. Lia reveled in the sweetness of it, and then his kiss turned more sensual. Yet it was not in the least intrusive or demanding.

She turned and lifted her hands to his chest as she answered his kiss. She couldn’t deny him. She wanted him too badly. Far too badly.

. . . .

There was no way for Hunter to know how long the kissing lasted. All he knew was that he never wanted to let her go. The emotions that roiled within him were powerful and pleasant. Now that he knew she wasn’t his brother’s wife it was as if the doors had been thrown wide and he’d been given permission to unleash his ardor.

He lifted his mouth from hers and drew her to him.

She rested her head against his chest, pressed closely enough to hear his heart Copyright 2016 - 2024