The Summer Place - By Pamela Hearon Page 0,60

about it now, before things went any further.

“If you want it,” Tara said as she came out the door, and Summer called after her, “I’ve never been very good at waiting.”

The exact words Rick did not need to hear when waiting was exactly what he was about to propose. That this thing with Summer might grind to a halt a few minutes from now came like a punch to his gut, which bothered him more than a little. But he’d set his course, and he would see it through and face the consequences of his actions.

He waited until Tara was definitely gone, then he stepped up on the porch and rapped softly on the door.

Summer leaped up from the couch to meet him, smiling and breathless. “Hi.” She glanced down and laughed. “You glad to see me or is that a magic wand in your pants?”

He followed her eyes, surprised by the bulge created by the wand in his pocket. “Both.” He chuckled. “Reason number two I need to wear the star around my neck.” He kissed her lightly. Her lips were soft and met his eagerly, but she broke off quickly and slid her hand into his, tugging him toward the couch.

They’d no more than gotten seated before they were both speaking. “We need to talk,” they said simultaneously.

Their gazes locked and Rick felt an “oh, hell” reaction in the pit of his stomach when he saw the heat registering in her look. She was ready to take it to the next level. Pulling one knee onto the couch, he rested his elbow on the back cushion, and turned fully toward her. “You first.”

She nodded, drew in a long breath and let it out slowly. “We haven’t known each other very long, and we’ve only liked each other for a few days.” She paused and gnawed on her bottom lip, obviously thinking about how to say it.

But you’re not good at waiting, and I’m about to make you very annoyed with me.

“But I’m already feeling a strong connection with you.” She turned and mirrored him in her position.

He took the hand she laid on the back of the couch. “Probably the strongest connection I’ve ever felt in so short a time.” Keep driving home the message that’s it’s only been a short time.

She nodded and gave him a small smile before she continued. “I want you, Rick. I would love to move into a physical relationship with you.”

Gotta be strong. He gave her hand a squeeze and saw her wince. But not that strong. Tell her how you feel. “That’s been in the front of my mind since the first time I kissed you.”

She nodded. “Me, too.”

He took over. “But here, with everything else going on...this doesn’t seem to me to be the best time or place to move a new relationship to the physical level.”

“Exactly!” Her voice was breathless with relief.

“You agree?”

“Yeah, I mean, it’s hard for me to resist the idea of going to bed with you right here and now.”

“Same here,” he said, and her knee pressing against his made him do a quick scan of the couch to see if it could take his length.

“And we would be really great in bed together. I just know it.” She kissed his hand, and her lips made a tiny sucking sound against his fingers that made his breath catch.

“We’d be the best...the best ever.” Words weren’t downloading from his brain to his tongue as effortlessly as usual.

Her gaze dropped to his mouth. “I want to stay focused on the kids.” When she licked her lips, the blood flowed southward from his brain. “And I don’t think I can stay focused on the kids if I go to bed with you. I think making love with you would be on my mind constantly—” she paused “—if we were to do it.”

“So it’s best if we don’t do it,” he whispered.

She leaned closer as if to hear, and her leaning closer made him lean closer and their lips met again and pressed harder, and then his arms were around her pulling her to him and she moved into him easily and onto his lap.

His hands crept under her shirt and caressed her back and she moaned against his mouth and sucked his tongue greedily.

A sound registered in Rick’s brain at the same time the hot sucking sensation on his tongue ceased. Not a moan this time. A whistled tune in the distance. “Amazing Grace.”

Summer straightened, pulling away from him Copyright 2016 - 2024