The Summer Place - By Pamela Hearon Page 0,59

know me. Sex with the right guy is capable of giving me tunnel vision for a while. You know how it is.”

Tara’s eyes broke contact. “Actually, I don’t.”

The wistfulness in her friend’s voice pushed an alert button in Summer’s brain. Things must not be too great in the lovemaking department. “Well, you and Louis have been together for a long time, but remember how it was in the beginning when you first started having sex?”

“We’ve never had sex.” Tara took a small sip of her lemonade. “I’m still a virgin.”

The announcement stopped the forward motion in Summer’s brain. “You’re still a virgin at twenty-three?” The question made it sound like there was something wrong with virginity. She pulled her foot out of her mouth and tried again. “What I mean to say is, how’ve you held out so long?”

Tara’s shrug suggested it was no huge deal, and maybe it wasn’t in her world, but it certainly was in Summer’s. She and all her friends had lost their virginity by the time they were seventeen.

“When we were in high school,” Tara said, “our church sponsored one of those save-yourself-for-marriage campaigns. We signed cards, vowing chastity until marriage, and we’ve managed to stay true to that vow.” The young woman nibbled thoughtfully on a bite of cookie. “In some ways, it’s made things easier by taking away the choice. And it’s given us time to focus on building a strong bond without having the confusion of sex thrown in.”

“But eight years.” Summer drew a long breath, the length of time seeming incomprehensible to her. “So how do you stand it?” It was possible Tara could give her some pointers about the celibacy thing. “I mean, do you have any tricks I could use to keep from thinking about...well, about it.”

Tara laughed. “There’s no magic wand, if that’s what you mean—unless it would be the kind you buy at adult toy stores. And no, I don’t use one.” Her eyes squinted in contemplation as she washed down the last of her cookie. “Louis goes on a lot of mission trips, so he’s gone most of the time. I think that helps. When we’re together, it is definitely harder.”

Summer raised her eyebrows. “That doesn’t help me much here. Rick and I are together a lot.”

“I know, and the celibacy thing isn’t for everybody.” She looked Summer squarely in the eye. “If you and Rick sleep together, it’s okay with me. I don’t judge people about that kind of thing. What you do when the kids aren’t around is your business. Their parents have sex after the kids go to bed. I mean, that’s been going on since the beginning of time.” Tara looked around the cabin as she finished off her lemonade. “Back in the pioneer days, huge families lived in cabins very much like this one.”

“Ack!” Summer banged her head on the back of the couch. “You’re messing up my rationalizations.”

Tara laughed. “You just have to be discreet.” She wiped her mouth and tossed the napkin on her plate. “And with those sage words as my parting message, I need to get back to the girls.” She stood up to go, motioning for Summer to keep her seat. “I know the way out.”

Summer drew her knees up to her chest and rested her chin on them, thinking about what Tara had told her.

“Maybe,” Tara said, her voice trailing off. “You can just keep telling yourself that it’s only for three more weeks. After that, you’ll have all the time you want...if you want it.”

“I’ve never been very good at waiting,” Summer called over her shoulder as she heard the screen door slam.

* * *

RICK’S TIMING WAS OFF. He thought Tara would be gone by now, and he had one foot on Summer’s porch before he saw the young woman standing at the door.

Damn! He stepped back into the shadows at the side of the cabin. He’d rather the staff not know about his private time with Summer. He and Kenny had an understanding, but too many tongues were sure to start wagging, and then it would be an easy jump to conclusions.

Of course, the conclusions would be wrong. He’d made up his mind. No matter how much he wanted Summer, this was not the time nor the place to begin a physical relationship.

It wasn’t going to be easy to keep a lid on his desire. The kisses they’d already shared nearly sent him careening over the edge.

He’d come prepared to talk with her Copyright 2016 - 2024