Stuck with You - Alexandra Moody Page 0,64

do,” Seth agreed.

“Shit.” I shook my head as I thought it through. “I can’t believe I’m going to tell Clary the truth about how I feel. Just so you know, if this backfires and I’m stuck living in an awkward version of hell, I’m going to blame you for it.”

Seth chuckled. “You told me you guys have a connection. Perhaps you should start believing in it.”

“You’re worse than Dr. Phil,” I muttered. “But, you’re right. For better or worse, I need to tell Clary the truth.”

“Good,” he replied. “So, when are you going to do it?”

“As soon as possible or I’ll lose my nerve.” My stomach was doing somersaults at the thought, and the churning feeling wasn’t something I’d felt in a long time. I definitely needed to get this over quickly. “I should probably go do it now.”

“Good luck,” Seth said.

“Thanks.” I blew out a breath and opened my bedroom door. “I have a feeling I’m going to need it.”



I was trying to get ready to go to the supermarket, but my phone kept lighting up. Zoey had sent no less than fifty text messages last night. Fifty. I hadn’t checked them yet because I knew she would be hounding me about Aiden. There was a bunch of messages from my other friends too, and I knew they’d all be asking the same thing. I was going to need three cups of coffee just to get through them all.

I let out a sigh as I picked up my phone. Thankfully, the latest message wasn’t another notification from my best friend. Instead, my mom had replied in several short messages to the picture I’d sent her of Aiden and I dressed up for prom.

Mom: You look beautiful!!!

Mom: Aiden does too!

Mom: He’s cuddled up VERY close to you! TOO CLOSE!

Mom: **Sorry, that was your dad** What he meant to say was you look great together.

Mom: Send us more pics! We love and miss you. xM&D

I shook my head, a smile on my lips as I texted them back.

Me: Thanks guys. I’ll try to get more pics of last night from Aiden. Don’t worry Dad, he was only that close for the photo!! Love you both xx

I decided I should tackle Zoey’s messages next. Once I dived in, I knew I’d made the right decision to wait until this morning. I didn’t think I could have handled them last night. She had practically given me a minute-by-minute account of iso-prom, including a complete analysis of every moment between Aiden and I. By the end of her texts, it was clear she was convinced we were in love.

I called her immediately. “We’re not in love,” I said as soon as she answered.

“Way to call me back, bitch,” she replied. “I must have left you like twenty messages.”

“There were fifty.”

“And you guys totally are in love! I was watching you both last night, and I know what I saw.”

I groaned and threw my head into my hands. “Zoey, that’s so creepy. How could you spend all of iso-prom watching Aiden and I?”

“Well, my date was a cat,” she replied, like the answer was obvious. “And you two together were hot! Although, I have to admit, I was slightly distracted by Seth. That boy scrubs up nice, and he knows how to move. Plus, you know how I like them tall.”

“You do,” I agreed. Zoey seemed to fall in love at least twenty times a day, so it was hardly surprising she’d been checking out our school’s star basketball player.

“Anyway, back to Aiden,” she continued. “Have you made out with him yet?”

“No, and I’m not going to.” My heart betrayed me by doing a small flip at the thought though.

A gasp escaped Zoey’s lips. “Please don’t utter such blasphemous words to me!”

“Blasphemy? Aiden is hardly a god,” I grumbled. Although, he’d looked a little like one last night. I was still rattled by the things I’d felt during iso-prom with Aiden. I kept trying to ignore the feelings, but they wouldn’t seem to go away. This conversation with Zoey really wasn’t helping, and while I was trying to tell her there was nothing between Aiden and me, I wasn’t sure she was the only one I was trying to convince.

“Well, I’d worship at his altar any day,” she said, with a matter of fact tone.

I rolled my eyes. “You are the worst.”

“No, you are. You’re living with the hottest guy within a hundred-mile radius and doing nothing about it. You are literally letting down everyone Copyright 2016 - 2024