Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,41

down." He chuckled. "And anyway, now that I know you're with my nephew, I'm pretty sure this is your doing."

"Spit it out, old man." I smirked and he scowled.

"Asshole." But then his lips twitched. "Archer has decided to start telling jokes." His brow dipped. "Any chance you can teach him the art of delivering a punchline? It's hard to tell when he's joking, and it scares me sometimes."

"Looking good, Nix," Damon said as he entered the dressing room and scoped out the realistic doctor's uniform—everything but the unnoticeable rip away pattern down the pant legs—I'd be debuting in about fifteen minutes.

I stood at my locker, adding the stethoscope to complete the look. "Think they'll like it?" I asked, meaning the Friday night mob packing the floor.

"I'm sure it'll at least earn some pocket change." He smirked as he continued past me.

"Pocket change, my ass. I'm about to drain their fucking wallets," I called out to him, and he flipped me off.

I laughed but the amusement quickly faded.

Desi had been pissed when I'd finally shown up an hour late. Still caught in a web of thoughts about Archer, I hadn't remembered to check my unread text either which turned out to be from her, wondering where I was.

She'd excused me from my first set. Or rather punished me with it, knowing that was how I made the most money other than the VIP rooms.

I'd worked the floor for an hour, and the entire time, I'd struggled to stay focused. Archer was likely at work already, and all I could think about were the hands that broke the rules, copping feels where I only wanted Archer's hands.

He didn't like my job. And my feelings about it were tanking along with his. It wasn't only the fact that Archer's happiness was quickly scaling my list of priorities—the draw toward writing songs grew stronger every day.

Leaving him that little nibble of the words that threaded together in my head had broken an invisible seal, and now the lid no longer fit.

But songwriting didn't pay the bills. I didn't have a college degree, and my resume was less than impressive. My prospects seemed limited to fast food or retail. And unless minimum wage had doubled, I couldn't afford it.

Just as I went to close my locker, a text alert chimed and I reached for my phone, smiling when Archer's name popped on the screen.

Arch: I keep rereading the note you left.

I grinned as I tapped on the screen.

Me: Yeah? What do you think?

His response was immediate.

Arch: I think I want to see more of that incredible talent. See you after work?

Me: That's a given. But which talent are we talking about? The song…my tongue…my cock. I can show you all three if you want.

Arch: Dylan tried to steal my phone. That would have been awkward. In answer to your question, if all three are on the menu, I'd like to super-size that.

I laughed as I responded, thinking about Isaac's comment about Archer's jokes. I thought he was fucking adorkably funny.

Me: someone's greedy.

Arch: No takebacks.

Me: I HAVE created a monster.

Arch: Caleb and CJ invited me to a party at their house tomorrow. Isaac said I could take off if you wanted to go?

Me: Topic shift whiplash.

Arch: Sorry, that's what I was texting you about in the first place but got sidetracked by…the menu.

My lips curled into a grin as my chest shook with laughter.

Me: I'm supposed to work, but I'll see what I can do. Let you know tonight.

"Nix, get off your phone and get your ass moving! You're up." Desi's voice came from behind me, and my mood soured. I shifted to face her. Wearing a red dress and her hair tied up in a ponytail, her heels clacked against the floor as she tore a path toward me. She placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed. "While I have you, Dominic’s birthday is in two weeks. We're closing the club that Friday night and throwing a big party for him."

Not giving two shits if it was the owner's birthday, I focused on the more important issue. Money would be tight if I took off tomorrow to be with Archer and lost another shift on a Friday night in the same month. "So, we have that night off?"

"No, you'll still work, but the club won't be open to the public," she explained and hurried on since I should have been heading toward the stage. "It'll be a black-tie event and require an invitation. I'm Copyright 2016 - 2024