Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,40

doesn't talk about his biological father much."

Being late to work completely pushed down my list of worries, I gave Isaac my full attention. "Just tell me."

His eyes lifted to the sky before meeting mine. "Archer's dad ran out on his mom and him when he was three." His tone was laced with anger, and he shook his head. "Broke that boy's heart because he thought that bastard hung the moon…and for a time, he looked at Archer the same way." Isaac cleared his throat and blinked hard. "I doubt Archer remembers much of him, and thank fuck for that. I think it'd be harder if he did."

Even with the circumstances different, I understood not missing what you never knew. The link I felt between Archer and me strengthened.

Isaac scowled and ran his hand through his salt and pepper hair. "But you know how the story goes. His dad met a younger woman, in his case, an eighteen-year-old. Traded my sister and Archer for the new model and wanted nothing more to do with him."

"Asshole," I muttered, while thinking it was the douchebag's loss. And while I'd never wish a shitty parent on anyone, I wasn't sure our paths would have otherwise crossed.

"Damn right he was," he agreed. "But my sister raised him on her own, and she did well as a single mother despite her financial struggles." He hesitated. "That's why I don't understand her now. They were happy."

My phone chimed with an incoming text I ignored. "What do you mean?"

"Archer grew up 'round these parts, but she met Nolan when she was a waitress. Typical. Asshole comes in throwin' his cash around, treatin' her right, but treatin' Archer as if he was some sort of pesky tagalong." His accent grew thicker as he worked himself up. "There was a time she'd have done anything for my nephew, but money changed her to the point I didn’t recognize her anymore. It was clear Nolan—Archer's stepdad—wanted nothing to do with him, and she stayed with that cunt. She took him from me and moved them down to some fancy part of Florida. And Archer—he was miserable. Only good thing they ever did for him was send him back this way for college."

His jaw clenched, and I had trouble schooling my features as an image of Archer as a child, well aware he wasn't wanted, filled my thoughts. Isaac was right. I wasn't sure Archer would have told me everything. Not because he didn't want to, but because Isaac had a different perspective and Archer likely didn’t have the real memories since he’d been so young. Sometimes an image was clearer on the outside looking in.

We grew silent as the dust settled over their history. "Isaac…I promise—"

"Don't you go making promises you can't keep, Nix. That boy deserves the world, and I'm not sure what's going on between you two…but now you know what he's been through. Either walk away now or do your damnedest not to add to that hurt. Promises are useless."

Despite the edge in his tone, his eyes implored me to understand why he was doing this. "You're protective of him."

He grunted. "Like you wouldn't believe."

I nodded. "I have no interest in hurting him."

Isaac hummed as he stood upright. "I'm beginning to believe you." His gaze switched somewhere over the car, avoiding my eyes as he blinked rapidly. "You could be good for him, you know. Hell, you two could be good for each other."

What I knew for certain was that Archer had been good for me. I just hoped I had enough to offer him in return.

"Now, with all that said”—he continued—“I'm not telling you to run my nephew down to city hall and shackle yourself to him. He makes his own decisions…just, if you were only messin' around, I wanted you to know that if you hurt him…" He gave me a meaningful look.

"Understood. Archer is lucky to have you."

He blew out a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. "See, now that's where you're wrong. I'm lucky to have him." He stood up straight. "Well, that's all I had to say, so I won't hold you up anymore."

"I'm glad you told me what you did." He looked like he'd been through the wringer now that he'd completely unloaded the baggage of Archer’s history.

He waved me off but then paused. "There is one thing I'd like you to work on with him."

My brow shot up in surprise and, to be honest, a little anger.

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