Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,19

hint of truth in his teasing tone, and the tension bled from my shoulders.

"Did you come down here just to mess with me?" I huffed, but was secretly flattered until he answered me.

He grinned. "Nope, that's just a bonus. I have an appointment with Isaac."

I pulled up the appointment screen and my brows dipped. "I don't show you scheduled."

"You can check with him," he calmly suggested, but I could tell he was enjoying ruffling my feathers despite what he'd said. "I called him a few hours ago and he said he'd be able to fit me in."

My eyes narrowed with suspicion. "You just decided today you needed to get some work done?"

Phoenix's eyes sparkled. "No, I was scheduled later in the week, but I decided last night today would be better."

My pulse spiked. No one had ever outright flirted with me, or maybe I hadn't really noticed. "I'm starting to think I've gained a stalker."

He hummed. "Sounds dangerous. Tell me who it is and I'll make sure they leave you alone." His voice dropped an octave, sending a shiver through my body and goosebumps up my arms. "Unless it's me. I'm telling you right now, Arch, unless you ask me to, I'm not leaving you alone."

I didn’t know what to say to that. What I was thinking ran along the lines of I have no problem with that.

I cleared my throat. "I think my uncle is finishing up with someone right now."

Phoenix shrugged. "I may have stopped in early. I can wait if you entertain me. After all, I did entertain you once."

My cheeks flushed at his meaning, and I quickly diverted my gaze from his to the jewelry case. "What are you getting done?"

"Adding more shading on this." His words forced me to look up again. He turned his neck to the side and ran his finger wrapped with a thick silver band over a large rose tattoo that took up the entire side of his neck. “I’d been considering it for a while. What do you think?”

My tongue darted out to wet my lips as my gaze locked on to his throat that I had a strange urge to lick. He dropped his hand, and his lips kicked up on one side.

"I wish I could see the thoughts swirling around that brain of yours. You look like you see something you like. Is that true, Arch?" His voice dripped sex and my dick swelled, making my jeans tight.

"I…" My lips clamped shut, and he grinned before saving me from embarrassing myself.

"Do you have any ink? A secret tattoo hidden somewhere?" His gaze grew heated.

I flinched at the thought of a needle slicing through my flesh, repeatedly. "No. I like my art just fine on the pages in my book." I also liked them on his skin. There was so much to study, and I found my gaze once again tracing the designs. The retro style microphone directly over his voice box made me curious, and one day I'd have to ask him what it meant. "They look good on you though."

Phoenix sank his teeth into his bottom lip and then opened his mouth, most likely to say something that would have my heart racing to the point of needing medical intervention, but my uncle's bellowing voice broke our stare.

"Nix, I see you've met my nephew." He stepped next to Phoenix and looked at me. "You two get acquainted?"

My eyes widened, and Phoenix intercepted the question. "Yep, looks like I have a new neighbor."

I'd noticed he left out the other bits of how we knew each other and I was glad. My uncle's eyes were already narrowed on Phoenix in suspicion. He'd been leaning really close to me, and I could only imagine what that looked like to an outsider.

"For the summer anyway." My uncle's voice lightened. "Come on back. I'm ready for you."

He led Phoenix away, but my new stalker tossed a wink over his shoulder that made my knees wobble. I was so screwed.

As he walked off, my eyes dipped down to his jeans that hugged his body, and my cock took notice of the way his ass filled them. Phoenix Ryan might affect me in a way I didn't have a lot of experience with, but I didn't hate it. In fact, I liked it a lot.

Soon I was caught up in work. An hour later when I stepped into the back room to grab more supplies, I must have missed Phoenix leaving because my uncle Copyright 2016 - 2024