Stripped Love (Guys Next Door #1) - Baylin Crow Page 0,18

only been a day since we left campus.

Caleb: So? We need to start the summer off right.

CJ: I wanted to wait until next weekend but my brother is a twatt.

Caleb: Twat*

CJ: I love how you didn't even acknowledge what I said, just how I spelled it.

Caleb: You are what you… I have a comeback for that but I'm doing Archer a favor by keeping my mouth shut. Speaking of my mouth…

I choked on the bit of sandwich I tried to swallow. Coughing, I chugged part of my soda and then aimed at message at Caleb.

Me: Seriously?

Caleb: Dead serious.

Unfortunately, from past conversations, I knew that was true. Refraining from too much information wasn't something Caleb excelled at.

CJ: I could have done without reading that too.

Caleb: Anyway, are you coming to the party or what?

I sighed as I picked at pieces of bacon that had crumbled onto the wrapper and popped them in my mouth. While crunching on them, I replied.

Me: I just got here and I'm already working. I doubt I'll even be able to.

CJ: He's your uncle. Can't you just ask for the night off?

My thoughts traveled to the money in the envelope Isaac had left me and my promise to work hard.

Me: Not this weekend.

Caleb: Fine, but you promised you'd come at least once so I'm holding you to that.

CJ: No getting out of it, Arch.

I took a sip from my soda before responding. They'd keep blowing up my phone until I caved anyway.

Me: I said I would but I have to get back to work. Talk to you guys later.

CJ: Later.

Caleb: You better or we really will come kidnap you. Have fun at work.

I didn't doubt they would. After locking the screen, I shoved my phone back in my pocket and finished eating. Crumbling the wrapper, I tossed it in the trash and headed back out to the shop.

"About time," Dylan grunted out and wasted no time logging out of the system, abandoning the customer he'd been helping.

I gave an apologetic smile to the brunette girl who frowned at his retreating back as he disappeared into the backroom. "Sorry about that. What were you…"

"Can I see that belly ring?" she interrupted as she pointed to a sparkly butterfly one in the case, leaving a fingerprint on the glass.

"Sure." I pulled out the piece and handed it to her. As she turned it side to side, the bell chimed over the door, and I glanced over her shoulder.

Phoenix strolled in with a confident stride like he owned the place, and my stomach somersaulted at the sight of him. The calm I'd forced myself to show the night before evaporated, and my entire body buzzed with nervous energy.

When he spotted me, he slowed and a wicked grin tilted his lips. I held my breath as he approached the counter and slid next to the girl, propping an elbow on the case.

Phoenix leaned into her space. "You should definitely get that one."

The silky tone he used bothered me more than it should have. Combined with the flirty grin on his face, I was tempted to walk away, but I couldn't stop watching the interaction even as I tensed.

She glanced at him, and then did a double take. Her eyes widened, and her jaw loosened. "You think so?"

I held back a scowl at the pair, especially when he answered, "It's pretty like you."

Her cheeks flushed and she held the piece back to me. "I'll take it."

I gritted my teeth as I took it. My eyes found Phoenix's, whose face lit up with amusement as I rang up the jewelry.

She cast Phoenix a hopeful smile, but he simply stepped aside.

Once she'd walked away, I folded my arms over my chest.

He chuckled as he eyed me. The husky sound grated on my frustrated nerves. It also sent blood rushing to places it shouldn’t. Traitorous body.

"Relax, Arch. I just wanted to get rid of her." His voice lowered, and he leaned in further to me, raking his heated gaze over me. "But jealousy looks good on you."

I bristled, and the scowl I'd held back slipped free. Something about Phoenix managed to get under my skin in a way that nothing and no one had before. "I wasn't jealous."

But I had been, which surprised me. I’d never felt that before and couldn’t say I liked it. At all.

"No?" He looked as if he didn't believe me. "If I saw you flirting with someone, even if it was fake, I'd be jealous as fuck." There was a Copyright 2016 - 2024