A Story of God and All of Us - By Roma Downey Page 0,11

Until the day his wife chooses to leave Sodom--a day that he believes will come--

Lot must simply endure his life, rather than live it to its fullest.

As Lot sits alone at the city gates, gazing out into the vast desert, he can hear the music and raucous laughter spilling out of the taverns. He can hear the moans of men and women having sex in the dark, dingy alleys. Were he to turn around right now, he would be able to see a barely dressed young couple groping one another, nearly nude prostitutes pushing their wares, a band of drummers entertaining a group of drunks, and a feral dog tied to a post--snarling loudly at all who walk past, and more than eager to bite into human flesh. Hardly the place to raise a family. Lot is an honorable man, which makes him unusual in Sodom. The wickedness of the city troubles him greatly. It is why he comes to the city gates to gaze out into the desert.

Two men in great hooded cloaks march through Sodom's city gate. They are powerfully built and have the placid look of warriors who fear no man. They walk with purpose, as if they have come to Sodom on business. What type of business, Lot can hardly imagine. The two strangers look out of place on these streets. Lot's heartbeat quickens.


For the first time in quite a while he senses he is not the only righteous man in Sodom. Lot rises quickly and hastens to them. "Gentlemen," Lot exclaims,

"welcome to Sodom. I invite you to spend the night at my home. You can wash your feet and enjoy a meal."

"No," they answer. "We will spend the night in the square."

Lot will not take no for an answer. And soon these spiritual warriors are entering his home, where he feeds them a simple feast before showing them where they will sleep.

Inside Lot's house, a dim oil lamp glows, illuminating the faces of Lot, his wife, his two teenage daughters, and these mysterious strangers.

Lot hears a huge commotion in the streets outside and suddenly, fists hammer on the door. Lot's wife and daughters hug one another, scared.

"Open up! Send out the strangers!" screams a voice. "Or we'll burn the place down!"

"They've done you no harm and they are guests in my house. Leave them be," Lot yells through the thick wooden door.

"Where are the men who came to you tonight?" yells the voice, louder and more insistent than before. "Hand them over to us!"

Then Lot finds great courage within himself. He steps outside to face the people of Sodom, young and old in a mob, one man against many. He tries to reason with them, but they become even more aggressive. Inside, the strangers stand silently, listening to every word and admiring Lot's bravery.

His wife clutches her daughters, wishing that she had never seen these strangers. Her life has once again been turned upside down.

Lot realizes his attempts to negotiate have proven futile and starts to retreat to the safety of his house, but the mob attacks. They surge past him and try to break down the door. Lot fends them off with a shepherd's staff, wielding it expertly. He's like a new man, full of fighting spirit. When the mob's leader grabs the staff and pulls it toward him--a sadistic look in his eyes--Lot doesn't let go, but his courage is no match for this man's strength. "Stay out of this, foreigner," the mob leader says, and spits in Lot's face.


"Stand aside," says one of the angels. He steps forward and closes his eyes, as if in prayer. The second angel joins him. A sudden, rushing wind fills the room and then spills out into the streets, accompanied by the low rumble of thunder. Fear replaces the snarl on the mob leader's face. Lot steps back, unsure of what is happening. The mob leader scratches wildly at his eyes, rubbing and prodding, until tears of blood stream down his face. "I can't see,"

he screams. "I can't see!"

But he is not alone. One by one, the other members of the mob scream in horror as they, too, are blinded. Those who can still see are even more enraged, and they push forward to exact their revenge. But hardly have they taken a step when the two angels shed their robes, revealing the most

incredible suits of armor--honed by a craftsman, stronger than any lance a man might want to thrust through it.

One angel pulls two short

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