A Story of God and All of Us - By Roma Downey Page 0,10

the shade. As the afternoon sun grows cool they stand to depart.

"Where are you going?" Abraham asks cautiously, still unaware of whom he has been entertaining.

One of the angels looks to God for permission to answer.

God nods.

"We are going to decide the fate of Sodom," the angel replies solemnly, pulling his hood back up over his head. The other angel does the same, and they depart, leaving God alone with a concerned Abraham, for Lot lives in Sodom.

God walks with Abraham to a mountaintop, where they can look out and see Sodom in the distance.

"Shall I hide from you what I am going to do?" the Lord wonders aloud. "You will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through you. For I have chosen him so that you will direct your children and your household after you to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that I will bring about for you what I have promised."

Abraham is stunned to realize that he stands in the presence of God. It can be no one else. This is the manner in which God has spoken to him so many times--honestly, and as a trusted friend and servant. And


Abraham is just as stunned to realize that the destruction of Sodom will mean the death of Lot. Despite their differences, Abraham loves Lot like a son, and is in dread for his safety.

Abraham musters up his courage and speaks to the Lord. "Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked?"

"If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole city for their sake," replies God.

Abraham considers that for a moment. He knows the ways of Sodom, which is the most evil of cities. He doubts there is a realistic chance of God finding ten righteous people, let alone fifty. So he takes a deep breath and speaks once again. "Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes, what if the number of righteous is five less than fifty?"

The Lord loves Abraham, and their covenant is a powerful bond. So for the sake of Abraham, he relents. "If I find forty-five good men, I will not destroy it."

Abraham grows bolder, striving desperately to save Lot. "What if only forty are found there?"

"For the sake of forty I will not do it."

"May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak," Abraham says uneasily.

"What if only thirty can be found there?"

"I will not do it if I find thirty there."

On it goes, Abraham bargaining for the people of Sodom while the Lord gently concedes, until Abraham reduces the number to ten righteous people.

The Lord leaves. Abraham stands alone on the road, despairing for Sodom and his nephew. Because he knows, just as God knows, that his bold haggling with God is for naught. For there are not ten righteous people in all of Sodom.

In fact, there is just one.

Of course, God knows that. He has only bargained with Abraham as a testimony to their covenant. Abraham's fears about seeing Sodom destroyed show the depth of his compassion, and God is honoring that. Now it is up to that one righteous man to save himself and his family.


Lot sits alone at Sodom's city gate. Evening has fallen. The desert outside the walls is pleasant and fragrant, and a stark contrast to the city streets, which smell of stale urine and vomit. Lot loves to breathe the night air just out beyond these city walls. The breeze is cool after the long hot day, and he basks in the calm on this side of the city. He and his wife have two lovely daughters now. The city is infamous for its vice and depravity, a place of idolatry that has not only turned its back on God but celebrates that fact. Lot's wife finds the city very much to her liking, and has refused his numerous requests that they leave. He feels that life is too short to be so distant from God. Lot fears for his daughters, terrified that they will grow up to become as lascivious and faithless as the women of Sodom. It breaks his heart to imagine his gorgeous young girls living a life defined by lust instead of love, of fear instead of faith.

Lot sighs. There is nothing he can do about that. What will be, will be.

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