Storm Warning - By Kadi Dillon Page 0,12

And you being the scientist, you should also understand that I am relying on you to help me find the shot I’m looking for. You see, Tory.” He sat back now and casually drummed his fingers on the table in front of him. “We have quite a bit in common, you and I.”

“I fail to see how that’s relevant. So we both need this chase for our jobs, that’s obvious. But this is my team and you just waltz in here with—” She stopped short and he recognized it again. She was closing up.

“No, please finish. I came here with what? Money?” When he saw her eyes blaze, he pushed further. “I came here and saved your team so you can chase tornados for another year or two without pinching pennies and you hate me for it. Doesn’t make any sense to me.”

“We don’t need your money.” she lied between her teeth and rose to leave.

“What do you need, Tory?” he asked before she could walk away.

“I need you to leave my team alone. We don’t need your fancy hotel rooms or your stupid publicity. I sleep fine in my truck and I work all damn year to provide for my team. Pack up your camera, take your money, and get the hell away from us. That’s what I need.” With that, she laid a twenty on the table and walked out.

Gabe scooped up the twenty, then paid their bill with his credit card and followed her across the street. She shot him a fuming glare when he caught up with her clipped strides.

“You let that café sponsor you. What difference does it make that I’m doing it?”

She shook her head and kept walking.

“Come on, Tory. Tell me what the difference is.”

She veered off and started for the trucks, but Gabe grabbed her arm. She gasped and jerked, but he kept his blazing eyes fixed on hers.

“Where are you going?”

“To my truck.”

He took out her twenty dollar bill and crammed it in her jean pocket. She dropped her mouth open to shout at him, maybe curse him, but any words she would have thrown at him were smothered with his mouth.

He hadn’t meant to kiss her. He was simply going to use his unfailing charm and talk her into taking the room key. But something happened every time he saw that defiant look in her eyes. Something physical seemed to pull him to her and he was powerless to stop it.

His lips were not gentle, but they weren’t punishing either. Even through the sense of urgency, he controlled himself. One of his arms locked around her waist and pulled her firmly up against him. His other hand moved to the back of her neck, touching the tender nerves there. She shivered and he felt dark satisfaction.

He deepened the kiss when he felt her body relax in his arms, tasting the sweet corners of her mouth. He wasn’t thinking. He still didn’t know when his brain had registered the kiss. It was an involuntary and shockingly automatic response on his part. He had never been demanding with a woman like he was demanding now.

When his head floated back down to his body, Gabe pulled his mouth back slightly and found himself staring into a pair of heavy lidded, confused brown eyes. She trembled again, just like she did in his hotel room that morning.

What was it about her that left him aching? Wanting more? Keeping his arm around her waist, Gabe dug in his pocket and pulled out a key to the hotel suite that was next to his.

“Your room key,” he said, inches from her kiss-bruised mouth and placed it in her hand.

“What?” she asked dazed. “No.” She pushed herself away from him and took a deep gulp of air. “I’m staying in the truck.”

“Excuse me?”

“I’m staying in my truck like I always do. I don’t need a room.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Because he needed a moment to settle, he stepped back and ran a hand through his disheveled hair.

“I always stay in my truck. I hate hotel rooms.”

“There is no way I’m letting you stay in a truck.” He reached for her hand, but she snatched it back instantly.

“I’m staying in my truck.”

“Oh, no you’re not.” He made a grab for her.

“Yes I am. There’s nothing you can do about it.” She whirled around and started for the truck and yelped again when Gabe plucked her off the ground.

“What the hell are you doing? Put me down this instant!” she Copyright 2016 - 2024