Storm Warning - By Kadi Dillon Page 0,11

horror for a child to have to witness. “Why does she make a living around them then?”

“Now that’s something she’ll have to tell you. It’s way too personal for me to explain. Hell, I’m not even sure I understand it myself. Her parents dying, that’s just fact. Everyone knows it. Everything else—well, it’s a little harder to swallow.”

Gabe nodded and gave Adam a friendly pat on the back. Then he went in and paid for the hotel rooms, making sure Tory’s was right next to his.

Chapter Four

Tory crossed the parking lot of the El Presidente, smiling. The bank where the team kept their account had just called to confirm a deposit of five thousand dollars. Ruthlessly, she kept Gabe’s involvement out of her mind and mentally ticked off all the things they needed for the season to make their chase easier.

At least they had earned the money by acting as a guide and babysitting service, she mused. The café had sponsored their first year of chasing, but Tory hadn’t felt right about it. She had a change of heart when she realized how much business had increased at Sam and Lou’s. Pirates still carried their business cards with them, but Tory would no longer accept their charity.

She was relieved that some of the financial problems were solved. If Gabe stayed the entire season, Tory might even be able to skip out on overtime at the diner during off-season. The thought put an extra wide grin on her face.

Her smile faded when she saw Gabe stroll out of the hotel and head straight toward her. She opened the truck door and climbed inside. Leaving the door open, she waited.

“Hey,” he greeted and braced tanned forearms on the opened door.


“Wanna go grab some lunch?”

Tory looked forward. No, she would not admit she was starving from skipping breakfast. But she did have to eat, didn’t she? And this would give her a chance to clear the air—to let him know where they stood.

“Sure.” She grabbed her wallet from the glove compartment, and slid down on to the ground. She tensed when she landed mere inches from Gabe, but he made no point in moving.

“That café over there work for you?” He indicated a small diner across the high way.

“Works fine.”

They didn’t speak again until the waitress sat them in a corner booth.

Once the waitress delivered their food and left them in privacy, a comfortable silence ensued while they ate their lunch. A little too comfortable.

She hadn’t realized how hungry she actually was. She forced herself to pace her bites, but none the less finished her plate about the same time as Gabe did. The small talk during the meal was pleasant enough, but Tory could sense Gabe had an ulterior motive for taking her to lunch.

When Tory finally pushed her plate away, she sat back against the booth and crossed her arms.

“All right, Wills. Spill it.”

Gabe smiled.

He’d noticed her eye-balling him throughout the meal. She’d been suspicious of the idle chit chat, but had played along, commenting neutrally on the paintings hanging throughout the diner. Not only had she surprised him by knowing the artists, but also some of the stories and facts behind them.

Now, she sat back with her chin held high and her arms crossed over her chest, her wild tawny hair falling everywhere. And she couldn’t have been more attractive.

“Spill what?”

“What do you want?” she asked and narrowed her chocolate eyes.

“I guess I just wanted to get to know you a little better. I think we did get off on the wrong foot. And I know you don’t like me, but I fail to see what’s not to like. I can be very agreeable.”

“So you say.”

“You hated me before we even met. Why?” He could all but see her shutting down. No, she would not tell him. Yet.

“Does it really matter why?” She waited a beat and continued when he merely raised his brows at her. “Let’s just say I’m very dedicated to my work and you have a high potential of being in my way.”

“You’re dedicated to you career. Good.” He smiled and spread his fingers out. “Then you can surely understand where I’m coming from. I’m a very devoted photographer and this chase is just as important to my career as it is to yours.” He held up a hand to shush her when her mouth opened. He had to smile at the way she snapped it shut and glared at him, but he wasn’t finished. “It is. Copyright 2016 - 2024