Stolen Essence - Aster North Page 0,26

across the air. “We could make a whole scene with flowers, a lake, and me, right there in the middle.”

“Hm, and what would you be doing?” Pushing away from the frame, I slowly walked towards him, giving him time to finish his vision.

Shadow tapped me a few more times before running down my arm and leaping from me, presumably to go nap in her fake tree. She rarely stuck around once any of the trio showed up in my bed. Of course, that didn't stop her from trying to teach me how to have sex properly and sending me images that I'd rather not receive.

“I think being naked would work well, don't you? Maybe we should do a life-size copy. Yeah, I like that idea. It'll make Axton and Trace jealous.” He finally looked at me and winked.

“What are you doing in here?” Glancing behind me for a moment, I paused before climbing onto the bed. After I leaned over him, I whispered, “Is she annoying?”

“Nah, she's fine. Quiet. I'm pretty sure I made her nervous, so I decided I'd get out of her way until you came back,” he said and sat up suddenly.

He lifted himself up, hesitating just before our lips touched. I closed the distance and gave him a quick peck before pulling away. The agitation that remained inside, leftover from the failed discussion with the rest of his Grouping, eased, and I sighed.

Though I knew we needed to start working through the likely convoluted regulations of my unwanted job, I leaned my head on his shoulder and inhaled deeply.

“I love that scent,” I mumbled.

While his hand brushed down my hair, he asked, “What scent?”

“Yours.” My answer rang of honesty, and I didn't bother trying to disguise it. Whatever rolled off his skin affected me, and I found it to be as powerful as any tab. Maybe I should just drag him around everywhere.

He startled, jerking once before he forced himself to relax. Before I could ask what was wrong, he backed up and took my face between his hands. The kiss that followed seared a trail through me, heating my entire body until I craved more.

By the time he withdrew, my chest heaved, and my heart felt lighter. I definitely want to keep him in my pocket.

Once we caught our breath, he gave me a crooked smile and rolled off the bed. With his hand extended, he asked, “You ready?”

Blowing out a breath, I nodded and took his hand.

When we arrived in the gathering room, we found Grace shrunk back into the couch. I couldn't even see her face any longer because of how she ducked her chin against her chest. For a moment, I contemplated weaving a tag into her essence, so I could keep an eye on her. Before I had time to settle on a decision, Axton spoke up.

“I'm not liking what I've seen so far. In addition to the restrictions on Reapers, we also have constraints on when and where we can use portals. And I'm only on the first section.” He shifted to look at me. His lips pursed for a moment before all expression cleared from his face.

Right. Time to be a professional.

“Let me see it. Maybe I can find some wiggle room in between the lines. If not, we may have to work around things, and that will require some creativity.” I rounded the couch that held Axton and Trace, choosing to sit beside Grace.

Kian disappeared into the kitchen, probably preparing to ply us with more drinks. Before I got past the section I'd already started, Kian reappeared with mugs in hand.

While he passed them out, I seized the chance to ask Grace what she thought. She puzzled me, and I couldn't determine if that was a good thing or not. Angels typically acted like pot licking assholes. Her timidity triggered conflicting emotions, and that became more and more stressful the longer she remained.

“So, Grace, how much did you read?” I watched her out of the corner of my eye.

When I called her name, she hunched over even further, but by the time she answered, her back began to straighten. With each word she spoke, she sat a little taller.

“I read through the first four sections. It paints a dismal picture. It all but assures failure. If the estimations of the numbers on Earth are correct, less than one-eighth of the human essence will be reaped before the deadline. Angels might be able to complete most of the human Copyright 2016 - 2024