Stolen Essence - Aster North Page 0,25

it? You were barely alive.”

“That's not true. Yes, I had a bit much, but nothing as sensational as that.”

“Bit much?” Axton's voice rose in pitch, and his face turned dangerously grey. For a second, I feared that his head would explode on the spot. “A bit much is one too many. Not every fucking tab in Enyre at once.”

“Now who's being dramatic?” I huffed.

“Fuck this!” Trace erupted. “Did you try to die?”

His finger jabbed into my shoulder with each word, and I allowed it, taking a step backward with each poke. I understood their anger and distress, so I would give them this without pushing back. But not much more.

“No, Trace. I just took a few more than usual. If you didn't notice, I hurt, and they help.” My eyes narrowed, following the line of his jaw as he ground his teeth.

“You hurt? How about us when we discovered you on the floor? How do you think that made us feel? You know what? I don't think you care. I don't think you care at all.” His hands had curled into fists as he groused, and he shook them out in front of him as if he were imagining strangling me.

It would be better if he did. I much preferred action over all the talking and emotional assault that they shot my way. At least, I would pick it over this sort of thing. Soft, comforting sensations had surrounded my conversation with Kian while this one seemed like knives shoving into my skin.

“Oh, and leaving me with pain so strong that it felt like the decimation of my entire body was showing your concern?” My words turned bitter as the phantom aches washed over me at their mention. “Taking my things, stealing them? How about forcing my muscles to spasm by insisting on cold water when I specifically said hot? That's your care? Well, thank you, but I believe I can do without it.”

Axton shook his head and sighed. “I don't think you understand.”

“And I'm positive that neither of you does, either. So, how about we get back to work? And Axton? Perhaps the three of you need to remember that none of you own me. You don't have a claim on what my choices are. We are merely dating casually. That can end at any point, and if anyone continues with this odd desire to control what I consume, it will be sooner rather than later.” I waited a moment, allowing time for them to have their say.

When neither spoke, I pulled my soul forward and shed the husk that seemed to cause so much trouble. The heavy weight of their emotions fell away, and the world looked a little blander, a little dimmer. The trade-off hadn't really bothered me before, but for some reason, the thought slithered through my head as I flew home.

I knew our troubles weren't over. They would continue to hang onto the incident, which they perceived belonged to them, but it would never be resolved as cleanly as they wished. Things weren't that simple, despite their need for it to be.

Unfortunately, they hadn't heeded my warnings when we first met. I'd told them I wasn't worth the trouble, but they pressed forward anyway. Now they were finally beginning to see I hadn't lied.

Chapter Fourteen

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When we returned to our unit, I found Grace engrossed in the ridiculous rule book. She sat in the same spot we'd left her in with her body bent and white-blonde hair hiding her face. But as I glanced around, I couldn't find Kian anywhere, and I desperately wanted to locate a friendly face.

“Hello, Grace,” I said while I peeked into the kitchen. “Where's Kian?”

She jerked up with wide eyes before pointing towards my room. Rushing to where she indicated, I didn't bother to pause when I heard the front door open behind me.

When I reached my doorway, I discovered him lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling above my bed.

“I think you need some pictures up there,” Kian murmured before I could say anything.

I leaned against my door frame, deciding to just watch him for a moment. “And what should they look like?”

“Oh, I don't know. Maybe I should pose for you.” The corners of his lips curled up. He raised an arm, his finger pointing as he painted his idea Copyright 2016 - 2024