Stealing Summer by Lexi Blake Page 0,52

the pixie on his shoulder move. Dannan merely held on with the grace of a pixie who’d been hanging on to an eleven-year-old kid for a long time. “You think she’s coming back? Gray said something about Summer.”

I don’t know why I even tried to keep anything from him. “I’m not sure but I have to think when a prophet starts talking about Summer that he might not mean the season.”

“Would you go after her? If you figured out how to open the veil and go to the big Faery plane? Is there more than one? Like a Seelie and Unseelie, the same way we have here?”

I could hear the trepidation in his voice. I leaned down so I could look in his eyes.

“I’m not sure. I’ve heard there’s more than one, and we would have to figure out exactly which one she’s on. Lee, if I went to find her, you should know I would come back. I would never, ever leave you here. I will always come home to you. If your father has to go somewhere to find Dev, I’ll stay here and take care of you.” I already knew the plan that would be put in place if Myrddin found out where Dev had gone. Or rather if he decided to tell us where he’d stashed my husband. Daniel would go after Dev. He would almost certainly take Trent and Zack with him. I would hold down the fort and take care of our kiddos. It would make me sick inside to not be beside him, but we had more to think about than ourselves. “Someone will always be here with you. I love your fathers, but I’m your mom. I will never willingly leave you.”

His eyes were wide. “She’s magic, right? She’s not human.”

“It doesn’t matter.” I knew what his fear was. He would again be left out. “She would love you. Do you know how I know?”

He shook his head.

“Because your dad made her. The transference box, it took everything that was in your dad’s heart and made your sister.” I teared up again thinking about that night. It had been the night Daniel had come back to me—even if only briefly. We’d made love and for a while nothing else had mattered. It had been the two of us and the world had fallen away. Our pain had fallen away and there had only been love between us. That love had become our daughter. “Summer is the sum total of your dad’s soul, and that means she will love you like he loves you.”

Lee seemed to think about that for a moment. “We should find her. Just because Gray says she’s coming doesn’t mean we should sit around and wait. Mia thinks she could work on a spell, and Rhys is going to ask Grandma the next time he goes to Faery. She might know something. Or the gnomes. They’re smarter than anyone gives them credit for. We should also ask the Unseelie. They can be super sneaky.”

Yes, there was a reason I hadn’t wanted to tell my son. He would start plotting, and he often decided his plots were far better than anyone else’s. He would also get the other kiddos involved. If I didn’t head this off, Mia would be researching ways to open portals. Rhys would reach out to his Fae friends about the same thing. I didn’t even want to know what Sean could do. He already used his status as the future king of Faery to great advantage. “We’ll talk about this after we have that grimoire.”

There was a brief knock on the door and my father opened it. He nodded my way. “You’ve got a go from the pixie queen, and Neil informs me there’s a whole lot of chanting coming from the dark temple. It just started so it should last a good long while. They’re not actually performing the spell for another hour and a half.”

Demons loved their chants and they would be doing it right up until midnight. I trusted that Zack would watch out for Daniel, and Neil would let us know if anyone came out of the temple. It was go time.

“Maybe the grimoire will help us find Summer.” Lee was ever the optimist.

My father’s eyes widened and he turned to me. It was good to know something could scare my father. “Now, girl, he did not find out about that from me.”

I put a hand on my son’s shoulder. “He didn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024