Stealing Summer by Lexi Blake Page 0,51

tended to see the pixies as nothing more than pretty accessories. Or food. I’d had to threaten the wolves with bloody vengeance to keep my pixies safe.

I noticed that a single amethyst-colored pixie had remained on my son’s shoulder. “You’re staying?”

Lee glanced over and sighed. “That’s Dannan. He’s worried I’m going to die.”

Dannan’s tiny face looked up at me as if to agree with his charge fully. He was an older pixie, one of Arwyna’s generals. Now that I thought about it, I often saw him hovering somewhere around my human son. “When did you get a bodyguard?”

“When I came back from Wyoming,” Lee admitted.

Well, I couldn’t blame them for watching after him more closely, but it made me wonder what they knew that they weren’t telling me. Or perhaps I was being paranoid. The pixies knew how worried I was about Myrddin. Dannan’s overwatch of my human child could come from that. “Will he be okay in the cloak? Pixies don’t tend to like to be confined.”

I could practically feel the ice coming off the elder pixie.

“He’ll be fine,” Lee said as though I should have known better than to question him. “You couldn’t convince him to leave anyway. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we all have one now. Me and Rhys and Evan. I think Arwyna assigned them to each of us.”

She was as worried as I was. I looked down at the pixie sitting on my son’s shoulder. “I thank you for watching my children.”

His head bowed slightly, acknowledging my gratitude.

I moved to the closet. We were in the bedroom I shared with Danny and Dev. My closet was a monstrosity of luxury. It was bigger than my first apartment, and I hid many more secrets here. There was my personal safe where I kept important documents and my higher-end jewelry. It was also where I’d put the bag of holding. I pulled it out of the safe.

“It looks so normal.” Lee reached out to touch it.

It did. It was nothing more than a small tote bag, and not a particularly beautiful one at that. It was ordinary canvas with roped handles. If I’d left it with my other handbags, it would have looked out of place among the Louis Vuittons, Chanels, and Yves Saint Laurents. Dev tended to make sure I had the most fashionable clothes and accessories imaginable. He took special care to dress both myself and Daniel because he understood that image was important for the royal family.

“Do you think she would like me?” Lee asked.

I took a deep breath and promised to make sure that after we’d done this job, that damn cloak was going somewhere Lee couldn’t get it. “So you were listening in.”

I grabbed my pick and torque wrench. I hadn’t used them in forever, but I would be using them today.

“A little, but I knew about Summer before today. We all do.”

“Rhys and Evan know?” I’d tried to keep my children out of this. I knew if we were ever able to find our first child, that I would have to tell them about her, but I didn’t want to get their hopes up.

“Not Evan. I mean she’s heard us talk but she still doesn’t get it,” Lee replied. “Sean knows, too. We had to tell him so he could get Uncle Declan to explain what a transference box was. And no, I wasn’t wearing the cloak when I first heard about Summer. You’re not as quiet as you think you are. You were sitting at the kitchen table with Dad. It was last year. You cried and talked about her. I think it was her birthday.”

The world threatened to go watery because I knew exactly what night he was talking about. I’d been thinking about the fact that my daughter would have been a teenager that day and I’d been sitting at the kitchen table an hour before dawn, crying my eyes out. Dev had gone to bed, but Danny had known what that day was. He’d found me and we’d talked about our girl, wondering where she was and if she was being taken care of. He’d held me until I could finally sleep.

“What were you doing up?” And I was going to have a long conversation with my brother-in-law. He knew about Summer. He should have come to me when the kiddos started asking about transference boxes, but then the future king of Faery wasn’t known for being thoughtful.

“Got hungry,” he replied, shrugging and making Copyright 2016 - 2024