Stealing Jia (Coletti Warlords #12) - Gail Koger Page 0,40

shot to his feet. “Waewae tama-nur-ra. I am the death bringer.”

“So, you keep saying.” I zapped him with the energy ball.

Convulsing violently, the Legionnaire toppled to the floor. A few seconds later, Sariel’s image vanished.

I stared down at the mangy male decked out in a flaming red jumpsuit. Not only was he pint-sized by Coletti standards, but his warrior’s braids reminded me of moldy dreadlocks, and he had a beer belly. “Either of you know him?”

“We have not met,” Trayon said.

Bey declared, “He seems familiar.”

Dad grinned. “Zarek’s gonna be thrilled we finally caught Waewae.”

“And who the hell is Waewae?”

“That is Waewae?” Trayon exclaimed at the same time.

“In the flesh.” Dad nudged him over with the toe of his boot. “Waewae claims to be the rightful Overlord of the Coletti clans.”

I snorted. “He’s not very skilled with a sword and he’d last about thirty seconds in mental combat.”

“If that long,” Dad said. “His mother is Lilkee, the supposed leader of the Legionnaires. She also claims to be the most powerful psychic female ever born. No one knows who his father is.”

“I think his father was Ymer, a hybrid traitor,” Trayon said.

“It must be genetic, and I take it Lilkee isn’t the most powerful psychic ever born?”

“Hell no. Her abilities rival those of a five-year old child,” Dad said.

“How did Waewae get on our ship?” Call me curious.

“An excellent question,” Trayon said.

Zarek teleported in with Sariel.

“Waewae,” Zarek spat.

Sariel glared at Trayon. “Your security protocols need improving.”

Dad pulled the holograph generator off Waewae’s belt and triggered it. Sariel image appeared. “He got onboard wearing your face, sir.”

Sariel’s tentacles squirmed madly. “The image was poorly done, and he should have been stopped before gaining access to the ship.”

He had a valid point, but I didn’t like his attitude.

“Lilkee’s plans create chaos but seldom succeed,” Dad interjected.

Zarek squatted down and placed a hand on Waewae’s head. Power roiled around the room.

I jumped about a foot when Waewae began to scream.

Cason dropped his bone and began to whimper.

“No like,” the evil twins cried.

Pepe literally climbed up my armor. “No stay. No stay.”

I gave Zarek the evil eye. Why hadn’t he teleported Waewae back to his ship to interrogate him?

Chiara tightened her grip on me. “Can we return to our quarters?”

“Yes, we can.” I turned to Trayon. “The children don’t need to see this.”


My arms full of kids, I stomped out. Men were thoughtless jerks.

Chirping loudly, Adoz streaked down the corridor.

It was a good thing Trayon had programmed the doors to admit him. A glittering blue light suddenly engulfed me and the kids. “Trayon!”

He linked with me. “Your tendency to be kidnapped is becoming tiresome.”

“Like it’s my fault?” If he had been standing next to me, I would have whacked him. My molecules abruptly stopped whizzing about. The light faded and we were standing on an ice-cold platform. I quickly checked the kids over. “Are you able to port us back to the ship, Chiara?”

“Yes, Mother Jia.”

“Get ready.”

“Hold,” Trayon interjected. “See what Lilkee wants.”

“Sure. Why not. Maybe we can exchange recipes too.” My gaze settled on the tall, stick thin Coletti female standing at the transporter controls. Her pointy metal hat, crimson breastplate and screaming red body suit were so bright they hurt my eyes. Her makeup made her look like a homicidal clown. Had she done that on purpose? Or was she a brick short of a full load?

“Give me the Shani,” Lilkee demanded imperiously.

“No.” I shifted Pepe and Cason to my left arm and plucked a thermite grenade off my weapons belt. “Your son Waewae has been captured. If you’re smart, you’ll surrender.”

“My son is too powerful to be captured by primitives like you.”

“Well, this primitive took him down and Zarek is tearing your son’s mind apart as we speak,” I replied.

Her tone one of icy contempt she snapped, “Zarek is not strong enough to break through my son’s mental shields.”

“Keep her talking. We can’t get a fix on you,” Trayon ordered.

“Yes, my lord.” I gave Lilkee an exaggerated eye roll. “I thought your makeup was a clever disguise, but you really are a clown. A very stupid one.”

Her mouth working like a stranded guppy’s, Lilkee gaped at me for a moment, then bawled, “I am the Empress of the Legionnaires and a Coletti princess. No one speaks to me in such a manner. Now bow down to me.”

“No.” I held up the grenade. “I’m giving you one last chance to surrender, or things are going to get messy.”

“You will regret your insolence. My mind Copyright 2016 - 2024