Stealing Jia (Coletti Warlords #12) - Gail Koger Page 0,39

soldiers. If they succeeded, billions would die.

“He is here?” Fear filled Chiara’s voice.

I cuddled her. “Sssh. You’re safe. He can’t hurt you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Father Trayon is going to kill him.”

“You promise?”

“I promise.” If he didn’t, I would.

Pepe licked her. “We protect you.”

Cason offered Chiara his slobbery bone. “Ax. Ax.”

“I am deeply honored but I cannot take your greatest treasure,” Chiara said.

“Ax.” Cason stuck the bone back in his mouth.

Dad and Trayon teleported into the mess hall. I had never seen them in battle mode before and they gave Zarek a run for his money in the scary as hell department. “We’re all good. I didn’t think the Rodan had strong telepathic abilities.”

Trayon holstered his laser pistol. “They do not.”

“Zarek’s spies discovered Mallox has been collecting tissue samples from psychic brains in an attempt to genetically alter Rodan soldiers,” Dad said, holding his arm out for Adoz to land on.

Bey added grimly, “The Rodan bought LeeLee and LooLoo to use in their experiments.”

Horror rolled through me. That explained the evil twins’ bad behavior. Had Giovanni already killed Adam for his brain? “How many warriors is the Coletti Empire missing?”

Amusement twinkled in Dad’s eyes. “Mallox and Giovanni are using Lilkee’s Legionnaires as guinea pigs.”

Information flashed across my mind. Lilkee was Zarek’s traitorous daughter. She wanted to cleanse the Coletti bloodline of all the tainted hybrids and take control of the Empire. Thankfully, she wasn’t smart enough or powerful enough to pull it off. Her Legionnaires were pitiful, second rate warriors and psychics. “So, the joke’s on them?”

“It is,” Dad replied.

“Did Mallox get what he needed on Pictoris 335?”

Trayon’s tentacles undulated angrily. “No, he did not. There was a radiation leak and the brains he harvested were unusable.”

“Which is why they started hunting psychics on Earth,” I said.

A wolfish smile curved Dad’s mouth. “Saul and your cousins have put a stop to that.”

“Good. I can’t wait to meet all of them.”

“They are eager to meet you too.

The doors to the mess hall swished open. Sariel strode in like he was the king of the world. I guess in his mind, he was. I met his glowing yellow eyes and in perfect Askole said, “Welcome to our ship, Commander.”

Sariel glared at me and demanded in High Coletti, “Give me the Shani.”

Trayon stiffened. “That is not my father.”

Adoz launched into the air as Dad’s hand dropped to his weapon.

A sibilant hiss escaped Chiara. “His aura is black.”

Pepe growled menacingly.

“Want me to web him?” Bey asked.

Trayon pulled his weapon. “Not yet.”

I stared at the imposter. “Is it just me or is Sariel a little on the short side?”

“Give me the Shani.” Sariel’s tentacles rose threateningly.

Dad’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t think he understands Askole either.”

“His disguise is flawed. My father only wears gold armor,” Trayon said.

I smiled at the imposter. “Surrender or die.” Zzzzzt! A glowing green energy ball formed on my left palm.

The evil twins scurried up to my head. “We bite. He dies.”

“No, we need to interrogate him first,” I said.

The imposter began to rhythmically pound his feet against the floor. In High Coletti, he shouted, “Waewae tama-nur-ra. Waewae tama-nur-ra. Waewae tama-nur-ra.”

Trayon glanced at his gauntlet and in English said, “He is using a holographic projection of my father and proclaiming he is master of the universe.”

“He’s delusional. I could kick his butt.”

“Without a doubt,” Dad agreed.

“Waewae tama-nur-ra,” the Sariel wannabe shouted and broke into an acrobatic sword dance.

“What’s up with the sword dancing?” I asked.

“All Legionnaires must perform the ritual dance before they can attack,” Dad answered.

“Who came up with that incredibly bad idea?”

“Lilkee. She cannot understand why their enemies attack before the ritual dance has been completed,” Trayon commented.

Dad chuckled. “It’s like shooting ducks in a barrel.”

“I can’t believe the Legionnaires still follow her.”

“Only a few Legionnaires still live,” Trayon advised.

“One more is about to come to a tragic end.” I watched wannabe Sariel boogie for a moment. “His dance instructor should be shot, and I think they stole those moves from the Maori.”

The fake Sariel stomped his feet to some silent beat. “Ka nate whakatu. Tutu ngarahu. Waewae.” He pointed his sword at us. “I am the death bringer. I proclaim my promise to vanquish the vile destroyers.”

I leaned toward my dad. “Are we the vile destroyers?”

“We are.”

The wannabe hopped over and around his twirling sword. One minute he was upright, the next he tripped over his own feet and did a face plant. His sword slid across the floor.

I picked it up. “Lose something?”

Sariel’s image flickered wildly as the Legionnaire Copyright 2016 - 2024