Stealing Jia (Coletti Warlords #12) - Gail Koger Page 0,33

of my bowels. The commander wouldn’t touch me because of the smell. I was forced to lay in my own waste and watch my nest mates die. I can still hear their screams. Without the proper death ritual, their souls cannot move on to the next world.”

Holy Mother. I cradled Chiara against my chest. “I’m so sorry. No child should have to witness that. You need to understand that you’ve done nothing to be ashamed of. Focus on avenging your nest mates and stopping those monsters from hurting others.” I instinctively made the sign of the cross and prayed, “Into your hands, O Lord, we humbly entrust Chiara’s nest mates. Give us your grace to mourn the dead. Grant the younglings eternal peace forever and ever. Amen.”

Chiara rubbed her head against my face. “I appreciate your words of comfort, but I cannot get the images of their deaths out of my head.”

I flinched as the horrific memories of bloated corpses littering the streets of Rome abruptly flashed across my mind. The only thing that had helped our grief was the memorial mass. I wiped at the tears rolling down my cheeks. “Tell me what you need to do a proper death ritual and we’ll hold one.”

“You will?”

“Of course. We’re family, and rituals are important for my people too.”

Trayon was suddenly in my head. “What is wrong?”

“Bad memories. Really bad memories. I promised Chiara a proper death ritual for her nest mates, and I think I know what the Rodan are protecting on Denebola.”

The door swished open and in zoomed Trayon.

That was fast.

“Geepa. Geepa.” Cason held up his arms.

Pepe danced around his boots. “Geepa.”

Trayon rolled his eyes and picked them up.

“Geep.” Adoz chirped as he landed on his shoulder.

With a sigh, Trayon asked, “What have you discovered?”

Since Chiara was still shaking badly, I quickly filled him in.

His tentacles stood out from his head as he studied the vid. “They must have harvested Epsilon’s algae and genetically altered it.”

“Which is Giovanni’s specialty,” I added.

Trayon’s lips drew back in a feral snarl. “He has much to answer for. Were you able to get a look at the Rodan scientist, Chiara?”

“My cage was near the viewscreen. I will never forget the expression of avarice on his face when he saw us.”

I flashed her a picture of the Rodan I had seen injecting Adam. “Is that the Rodan scientist you saw?”

“Yes, and there was a human with strange white hair on another viewscreen.”

“Now we have solid proof Giovanni is a fucking traitor.” I didn’t like the raw note of pain in my voice. Taking a deep breath, I asked, “Did they discuss what they were hoping to accomplish with this hybrid Eugleanophyta?”

“According to the scientist, the drug would turn their prey into mindless puppets which they could easily herd onto their slaughter ships,” Chiara replied. “They are angry Zarek and his allies wiped out the Tai-Kok and destroyed all their bases.”

“The Rodan Emperor’s treaty with the Tai-Kok cost them over ten million soldiers and four thousand ships,” Trayon inserted.

I smiled gleefully. “Aw and they just lost seven more.”

“The Rodan commander also complained they had to buy more and more inferior food from Threll. What happens when they learn the Yagga’s base has been destroyed? Will they attack my home again?” Chiara asked.

Trayon rubbed her head soothingly. “Zarek contacted your Queen Mother and she is allowing his warbirds to patrol your planetary system.”

“Does the Queen Mother know I am safe?”

“I am not sure Zarek told her you had been rescued, but I will check for you.”

“Thank you and could you find out if the Overlord received word about my mother?” The anxiety in Chiara’s voice was heartbreaking.

“I will ask him at the war council.”

I perked up. “War council?”

“Females are not allowed to attend,” Trayon stated.

“And why not?”

“Over a thousand years ago, a female who attended a war council started a conflict between two clans that lasted eight hundred years. They have been banned since.”

“Like it was her fault? The idiot males were the ones suffering from testosterone poisoning not her.”

Fixing a stern frown on his face, Trayon stated, “A valid point, but you cannot attend.”

“Fine but answer me one question.”

“If I can.”

“Why don’t the Rodan raise cattle and chickens like humans do?”

“Their warrior’s code does not allow them to farm,” Trayon answered.

“But slaughtering people is okay?”

“According to their God, other lifeforms are inferior and only suitable for eating,” Trayon said.

“Why didn’t they eat the Tai-Kok then?”

“A discussion for another time.” Trayon put Pepe and Cason in Copyright 2016 - 2024