Stealing Jia (Coletti Warlords #12) - Gail Koger Page 0,34

the crib. “The children should not see this.”

“Me not child,” Pepe protested.

I borrowed Trayon’s stern expression. “Maybe not, but you don’t need to see more bad things.”

Pepe’s tail drooped. “Me watch many die.”

“I promise you Giovanni will pay for what he did to you and the others,” I assured him.

“Ax.” Cason hugged Pepe.

Aw. They were best buddies already.

Chiara wrapped around my arm. “I will stay.”

“You’re sure?”

“I am.”

I exchanged concerned glances with Trayon.

With a grimaced he tapped the command console. “We received this intelligence vid from Admiral Zan, our liaison with the Alliance.”

My jaw dropped as I watch four females with pointy elf ears and silver hair attacking each other like rabid wolves. “I thought Farin females were delicate and timid.”

“Most are. The Rodan used them as test subjects. Their new mind control drug had some unexpected side effects.”

I winced as the violence escalated and quickly covered Chiara’s eyes. “I’ll say. That’s about as far away from mindless puppets as you can get.”

“The blood tests the Alliance ran on their corpses showed the drug drove them into a psychotic rage. Even as they were dying, they continued to fight,” Trayon replied.

“If the Rodan ate the tainted flesh, would it not affect them equally?” Chiara wanted to know.

I chewed on my lower lip. “They’re either immune or they have the antidote.”

“I must inform my father.” Trayon typed a transmission code into the comm-link.

An elderly Askole in gold battle armor appeared on the viewscreen. His merciless gaze surveyed us. “Must all Jones females be so small?”

Trayon slid a finger along my tattoo. “Size doesn’t matter. Jia has the heart of a warrior.”

“For her bride price, I expect nothing less.”

From Sariel’s tone, he wasn’t happy with Trayon’s decision. I gave him the stink eye and grabbed Cason as he tried to climb out of the crib.

“That is the Rodan child you adopted?” Sariel studied Cason with something approaching abhorrence.

Okay, enough was enough. No one dissed my family. I caught Pepe as he leaped from the crib. “The child’s name is Cason and he’s not like the other Rodan. The Draconic is Adoz, Pepe’s a unique, one of a kind being, and the Shani is called Chiara. Without her help, I could have never blown up the Rodan ships.”

Cason reached for the screen. “Geepa. Wiggles.”

Sariel’s tentacles knotted.

“I have started Cason’s conversion. He is legally my son, High Commander. Jia was also responsible for the destruction of Threll,” Trayon said calmly.

The skeptical expression on my father-in-law’s face had me seeing red. I looked him square in the eye. “I’ll admit I didn’t do it alone. Loki and Ivan helped bring down the Yagga.”

“I have reviewed the vids. Your actions are those of a Jones female,” Sariel conceded.

I frowned. Was that a good thing or a bad thing?

“Her father is Derek Jones,” Trayon added.

Sariel inclined his head. “A capable warrior.”

Before I said something I would regret, I nudged Trayon. “Tell him about the hybrid Eugleanophyta.”

Trayon transmitted the Alliance vid and gave Sariel a detailed account of what we had learned.

“I will inform Zarek.” The screen went black.

I blinked. That was a little abrupt. “I don’t think your father likes me.”

“He had picked out a suitable mate for me. All I needed to do was agree.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“Wania’s only interest in me was my rank and possessions.”

“Having your own ship is pretty cool.”

“I own a fleet of merchant ships, several planets and a space station.”

A quick review of my new memories and my jaw dropped. He made Midas look like a pauper. “Oh. Wow. Keeping Cason in blood worms won’t be a problem.”

“It will not.” Trayon’s mouth covered mine in a long, voracious kiss. “Go change. You meet your father in an hour.”

My stomach clenched. “That soon, huh?”

“He will love you as I do.”

“You keep saying that, but I’m not so sure.”

Trayon caressed the side of my face. “You worry too much.”

“Or not enough.”

“I have provided clothing for Cason, a battle harness for Pepe and jewelry for Chiara.”

“Me have harness,” Pepe barked excitedly.

Cason clapped his hands. “Ax.”

Adoz let out a mournful chirp.

Trayon produced a copper band with clan marking on it and fastened it around Adoz’s neck. “You are now a member of my clan.”

Adoz preened.

“Aren’t you a handsome boy.” I stroked his head.

Adoz tweeted happily.

“Only the Queen Mother and honored warriors are allowed to wear jewelry,” Chiara said sadly.

“You are an honored warrior. Your actions saved us all,” Trayon said.

Chiara lifted her head proudly. “I am a warrior.”

“Yes, you are. Because of you, our family is safe Copyright 2016 - 2024