Stand-In Saturday (Love For Days #2) - Kirsty Moseley Page 0,62

a positive note.” He ticks them off on his fingers, and I notice they’re the four bullet points he has on his notes. “So, here we go with the roast.”

He turns to Jared and smiles wickedly, microphone still at his mouth. “Don’t worry, buddy; I know you have some work colleagues and your boss here, so I won’t mention anything about that time you got your ballbag caught in your zip and cried like a little girl at the hospital, or that time we were fourteen and tried weed and you got so out of it that you accidentally set Mum’s curtains on fire, or when you got so drunk that you puked in your own shoe and then wore it home.”

The crowd erupts into laughter as Jared winces and shakes his head, laughing quietly.

Theo turns back to the crowd as if nothing happened. “Jared has always worked hard—first at school, then university, then with his career in … what is it you do again?”

I chuckle behind my hand, and some others in the room laugh too.

“In all that time, he’s pretty much been single. But don’t worry; don’t be feeling sorry for him. He was single by choice. The girls just chose not to date him.”

Ripples of laughter tinkle through the room.

“Jared always looks on the bright side of life. He can put a positive spin on anything. For example, his commendable charity work. Let’s have a little round of applause for Jared’s amazing charity work.” He claps, and people in the room clap too. Amy is beaming with pride. “You guys know all about it, of course. Every six months, we get the dreaded group email, asking for sponsorship money because he’s running a half marathon … again.” Theo teasingly rolls his eyes. “But seriously, that’s a perfect example of how to put a positive spin on stuff. I mean, I ran a half marathon sounds so much better than I quit halfway through a marathon. Am I right? Glass half-full.”

The room erupts into laughter.

Theo grins and takes a sip of water before continuing, “In all honesty though, growing up with Jared, I always felt like I was the luckiest guy in the world. Not only did I have my best mate twenty-four hours a day, but he could also step in and take my exams for me. I still owe him for my maths and science GCSE results. It worked the other way though too, like me stepping in to ask Cassie Bennet to the prom for him because he was too chicken or me passing his driving test for him. Joke. That one’s just a joke, Mother, jeez,” he says as his mother gasps in horror. It’s not a joke, he mouths to the crowd when she’s not looking.

There are more chuckles from the guests.

“Jared’s dependable and hardworking, and he achieves anything he puts his mind to. But he was born a grown-up, and he can certainly be a grumpy git; he’s always worked too hard and taken life a little too seriously. But then he met Amy. Smart, wonderful, quirky Amy who, let’s face it, definitely could have done better.” He winces playfully in Amy’s direction, but Jared nods along in agreement. “Theirs was a chance encounter outside a coffee shop, a proper meet-cute. From the moment he met her, I could tell this was serious. Jared changed overnight. For example, he started smiling. Shock horror.”

People snicker.

“Amy brought out the fun in my brother. They’re the perfect couple. They complete each other actually. She’s his fun-loving, carefree side, and he’s her adult.”

More laughter.

“To finish off because I know we’re all checking our watches, waiting for the food to be served, I just want to say, I couldn’t be happier for my twin. He deserves to be loved the way Amy loves him. I’ve never seen him so relaxed and content. Amy did that. And now, I also get a fun sister-in-law to go do crazy stuff with.” He sends Amy a wink, and she grins and nods in return.

“So, please join me in raising a glass. To Jared and Amy. May your arguments be short, and may your sex be long, and may you always be as happy and in love as you are today. You are couple goals.”

“To Jared and Amy,” the crowd repeats as one.

I swallow the ball of emotion that’s lodged in my throat and pretend to take a sip of my drink. I’m so proud of Theo that I want to Copyright 2016 - 2024