Stand-In Saturday (Love For Days #2) - Kirsty Moseley Page 0,61

Amy walked down outside, and the tablecloths covering the round tables are crisp white cotton. There are pink napkins, little pink table favours wrapped in silk, pink ribbon sashes tied around the back of each white wooden chair, shiny silver cutlery, and real crystal glasses. Beautiful flower arrangements sit in the centres of each table. Behind the top table, the wall is covered in white voile with fairy lights behind it. The whole effect is spectacular.

Theo strides confidently across the room, guiding me along, heading for the long, lavish table at the head of the room.

My breath catches, and my eyes widen when I realise that’s where I’m going to be sat—with everyone watching me eat. Talk about awkward.

“Shit, am I sitting at the top table?” I mumble, squeezing his hand and gently pulling him to a stop.

He nods and looks down at me. “Well, yeah. Where did you think you’d be? The cheap seats at the back? I’m the best man and twin. I deserve prime seating.” He grins that panty-wetting smile, and it momentarily dazzles me.

“I know but …” My cheeks are burning as he tugs gently, getting me moving again.

As he stops at the long table at the head of the room, he grins and pulls my chair out for me in a gentlemanly gesture that makes my heart stutter. Sitting, I notice that his name card is printed in fancy script while mine is written in black Biro. I chuckle as I pick it up and show Theo; it’s a little reminder of just how insane this whole idea is of me being here. I only met this man five and a half days ago, yet it feels like I’ve known him forever already.

It takes a while for everyone to take their seats, and then the bride and groom come in, Amy practically skipping along at her new husband’s side. She looks like she could burst with happiness.

Once all the guests are seated and the waiting staff has filled everyone’s glasses with champagne, Theo is discreetly handed a microphone.

He grins moronically. “Speech time.”

I chuckle. “Have you got note cards?”

He wrinkles his nose and shakes his head as he reaches into his inside pocket and pulls out a scrap of paper with four bullet points on it. He smooths it out and puts it on the table in front of him. “I’m not a planner. I’m just gonna wing it.”

My eyes widen in horror as I grip his forearm. “Theo, I feel like this is one of those things in life that you definitely shouldn’t wing.”

The fact that he’s not planned it gives me mild anxiety. He might not be a planner, but I certainly am.

“I got this.” He sends me a little wink that makes my stomach flutter as he taps his glass with his knife and stands up.

Jared groans loudly. “Theo, keep it clean. And don’t make it weird.”

“Weird, me?” Theo puts his hand over his heart and feigns offence.

The crowd quietens, and everyone turns their attention to him. Theo doesn’t even look nervous; I’d be a quivering wreck, having to speak in front of all of these people.

“Good evening, ladies and gents. For those that don’t know me, I’m Theo, and I’m the best man. I’m thrilled to be here to preside over the only five minutes of today that Jared has completely no control over.” He smirks down at his brother, who rolls his eyes good-naturedly. “I’m gonna keep this short because I can already see he’s starting to sweat, just imagining things I could say about him today. Now, in case you can’t tell by our matching suits, Jared and I are twins, so obviously, I’ve known him a long time. I’ve definitely got the goods on him, but he’s made me promise not to say anything too bad about him in my official speech today. Therefore, I’ll be doing an unofficial speech later by the bar to anyone who buys me a drink.”

There are titters of laughter and a few cheers from the rowdy group of friends at the back table.

“When Jared asked me to be best man today, I was pleased but not surprised. After all, he doesn’t have any friends.” He waits for the laughter to die down before speaking again. “I’ve never been a best man before, so in preparation for my role, I looked up speech guidelines on the internet. Apparently, the format is: introduction, few jokes at the groom’s expense, compliment the bride, leave off on Copyright 2016 - 2024