Stand-In Saturday (Love For Days #2) - Kirsty Moseley Page 0,41

more in my life. I clench my thighs together, trying to relieve the building ache.

I know it’s not supposed to be erotic, but try telling that to my vagina.

I can’t tear my eyes from him, his mouth, his tongue, his shoulders, his abs, his skin …

I continue to slowly turn the magazine pages for show.

A soft kick to my shin makes me jump.

“Stop staring,” Amy says.

“I’m not staring. I’m reading!” I splutter indignantly.

“The magazine is upside down, Lucie.”

What? Shit!

I look down at it, and she’s right.

“Crap. Busted.” I giggle and feel my face flame as I flip it the right way up and shake my head.

Amy giggles darkly and holds out her fist to me. Dying inside, I raise my own, and we bump. Girl solidarity. She knows he’s hot; she’s marrying his body double tomorrow.

The whole time we’re on the beach, Theo never stops and relaxes. He’s either playing with the kids, talking to someone, or playing Frisbee with Jared and Tim—oh, and did I mention that Jared is shirtless, too, and they look exactly alike? Well, almost exactly alike. When shirtless, they’re easy to tell apart. Jared has a large slash of a scar down the centre of his chest that looks so precise, it must be surgical. I can’t help but wonder if it’s linked to Theo’s scar on his leg that he said was from a car accident.

I’ve given up the charade of the magazine now. Instead, I’m lying on my belly, chin propped on my hands, as I watch the show. It’s like free soft porn. If it were on TV, I’d record it, so I could watch it on repeat. With the beautiful loch behind them, the view is spectacular. And I’m not even looking at the scenery.

Amy is watching unashamedly too. It makes me like her even more.

When guests start arriving for the wedding, Amy and Jared, Theo’s parents, Emily, Chris, and the kids all disappear inside to say their hellos to people. Heather and Tim head in, too, Heather announcing she wants a nap before she has to start getting ready.

I glance at my phone to check the time. It’s only just before five. “Theo, what time is this pre-wedding party starting tonight?”

He walks over and flops down onto the lounger next to mine. “Not until seven thirty. We have loads of time.”

I nod and close my eyes again, soaking up more rays, already nervous about this party. It’s a little out of my comfort zone—something I would have found amazing when I was younger, but now, not so much.

When I hear pencil scratching on paper, I lazily turn my head to the side to see Theo sitting cross-legged, facing me, his sketchpad balanced on his knee. His baseball cap has been flipped backwards, and his eyes skim over my face before darting back to the paper again, his hand moving rhythmically.

“Are you drawing me?” I ask, shocked.

He nods, chewing on his lip in concentration.

Grinning, I take off my shades, turn a fraction towards him, and lie back suggestively, dipping my chin and throwing my arm across the top of my head, striking the pose. “Draw me like one of your French girls,” I joke.

He bursts out laughing, and a thrill prickles over my whole body.



The two of us spend another three-quarters of an hour down at the beach. It’s nice, companionable, easy. I sketch her the whole time. She’s a pleasure to draw—her face, the lines of it, the way the shadows fall across her cheekbones, the subtle freckles sprinkled across her nose, the way her long eyelashes fan across her cheek when she closes her eyes, the shape of her chin, and the curve of her neck and shoulders. She’s an artist’s dream; I could draw her every day and not get tired of it. In fact, I would give anything to paint her. I’m not really a paint kind of guy. I usually prefer pencil or charcoal, and I use inks a lot for work, but for her, I would like to crack out the oils and see what happens.

I enjoy the whole experience way more than I should, spending more time than necessary getting her bikini just so. The way she fills the damn thing makes my upper lip sweaty. She’s all luscious curves and soft skin. I knew there was an amazing hourglass figure under her sexy pencil skirts and belly tops, but I didn’t expect her to unveil Marilyn Monroe curves encased in a sexy black Copyright 2016 - 2024