Stand-In Saturday (Love For Days #2) - Kirsty Moseley Page 0,40

his belly button, let my tongue follow that V line …

He stows his shirt with mine and pulls on a black baseball cap before turning to go back to his niece.

Oh, good Lord, the back view! I didn’t even know backs could be sexy until now.

Sucking in a ragged breath, I look around to see if anyone else is feeling this ridiculous attraction, but they’re all simply going about their day like nothing’s happened. No one even glances in the magnificent man’s direction. Meanwhile, I feel like I’ve been hit with a frying pan—right in the vagina.

I can’t drag my eyes from him at all. And when he plucks Finley from his sister’s arms and starts playfully throwing him up in the air and catching him, a big grin on his face, I feel like every womanly part of me explodes with longing.

“Theo is a professional uncle,” Amy jokes at my side.

I startle because I was so in my own little pervert fantasy world that I forgot she was there.

“We could hire him out to kids’ parties. He even does magic tricks.”

“Shut up. Magic tricks?” I look over to her to see if she’s joking. And now, I want to see one.

Amy nods, sipping her drink through the straw. “Yep. He’s a right dork.” She doesn’t say it like it’s an insult though; the fondness to her voice is easy to spot. “So, listen, tomorrow morning, we’re having girlie time before the wedding. Heather, Emily, and I are getting our nails done and having massages. Want to come? I can tell them at reception that we’ll be adding one more.”

A wave of affection washes over me that I’m being included. She is adorable. I can see why Theo likes her so much. I hate that I’m a tiny bit jealous of that knowledge now. “Oh, that would be great. Are you sure you don’t mind me crashing?” I would love a bit of pampering.

Amy waves her hand, as if it’s nothing. “Course not! Theo will likely be busy talking Jared down from the edge tomorrow, doing his best-man duties, so you’ll be able to come and hang with us.”

“Great, thanks.” I grin happily and look back over to recommence Theo Watch.

He’s now in the water, up to his knees, bending so Finley’s little toes dip in, as he and Carys run around, making loads of noise and splashing each other. All three of them are laughing, and I can’t keep the smile from my face.

It’s bloody adorable.

After a little while, Emily takes the baby back into the shade, and Theo and Carys start building sand castles, bantering back and forth as they make it bigger and bigger, even adding a moat around the edge, which Carys attempts to fill by going back and forth to the water with a bucket.

Suddenly, she stops and puts her hands on her hips. “Mum, I’m hungry!” she calls, pouting.

Emily sighs and digs in her bag, coming out with a pack of Oreos, which she tosses in Theo’s direction.

“Oh, score!” He grins as he catches them.

Carys does a happy jig as he tears them open for her. They both take one. Theo twists the top from his. Then, I watch in absolute fascination as he brings the cream-filled half to his mouth, and his tongue strokes across it.

My whole body tightens, and my skin prickles with sensation. Leaning over, I pick up the magazine Amy’s discarded and open it across my knees, pretending to read. Thank heavens my sunglasses are mirrored, so no one can tell what a damn pervert Theo Stone has turned me into.

I can’t take my eyes from it. It’s probably the sexiest thing I’ve ever witnessed, and all he’s doing is eating a biscuit. Jeez, who knew I was into voyeurism? Not me—that’s for sure.

He stops torturing the poor biscuit (and my libido) and finally pops it into his mouth, chewing. I let out the breath I was holding and feel my body relax … until he reaches for another.

Oh, dear God.

Somewhere in the deep depths of my mind, I know I should probably pull out my phone and record this, maybe play the Diet Coke advert “I Just Wanna Make Love to You” song in the background just to sex it up that little bit more, but I can’t move. I can barely breathe.

He repeats it over and over, twisting off the top and licking the cream from each one, and I have never wanted to be a damn foodstuff Copyright 2016 - 2024