Stalker - Clarissa Wild Page 0,82

and his nose twitches, and then he grabs the girl’s face and puts his mouth on hers just the way he kissed me. He’s putting every ounce of what he has into the kiss; I can see it from the way he locks his lips with hers and from the way he holds her like he’ll never let go.

Tears well up in my eyes, and I look the other way so I can whisk them away. I cough, trying to swallow down the rising bile.

“Are you okay?” Phillip asks. His face is all flushed from our kiss.

“Yeah,” I say, nodding, but I’m not sure if it’s the truth. “I just … I could use a breather.”

“Oh, let’s go grab a drink then,” he says, smiling awkwardly.

“No, I’d prefer to just go outside for a few minutes.”

“Sure, we could do that,” he says, and he places his sweaty palm on the small of my back as he walks me to the door.

“I’m fine, Phillip,” I say. “You don’t have to come along.”

“Of course, I do,” he says, smiling like an idiot.

I guess my kiss did more to him than it did to me.

As I walk outside, I push away the tears because I don’t want them, and because I don’t deserve them. I’m a horrible person, made into the doll my mother wants me to be, and I’m letting it happen. I’m becoming a stuck-up and jealous bitch.

I shake my head and stare at the ground, frowning, trying to contain my anger toward myself and toward Miles. I told him that he couldn’t be with me because he’d be in danger, even though he doesn’t know that last part …


I turn around because of a voice. It’s a guy, and I don’t recognize him, except that he often hangs out with Phillip. The only difference now is that he’s holding a bottle of liquid, presumably alcohol.

I frown as he comes closer and gives Phillip a bad high five. The guy is totally wasted.

“You’re beautiful, indeed,” he says. “Vanessa, right?”

“Hi …” I say, tentatively.

“Wow, you’ve really outdone yourself, dude,” he says to Phillip, smiling partially.

“Yeah, she’s quite something,” Phillip says, licking his lips.

“Hmmm, so pretty,” the guy says, walking even closer.

I back away against the wall, and only notice now how far I actually am from the entrance to the building. “Thank you,” I mutter. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, honey, perfectly fine,” he muses, laughing as he takes another sip.

“Maybe you should stop drinking that,” Phillip says, trying to grab the bottle, but the guy won’t let him.

“Oh, c’mon, Phil. Where are your guts? This is a party. You gotta enjoy it.”

“I think you’ve had enough,” I say.

“I’ll say when I’ve had enough, pretty girl.”

His breath stinks as he leans in too close. “Eew,” I say, pushing him away.

“What’s the matter? Too good to talk to a nice young man?” he asks, holding up the bottle. “I’m just having fun, doll.”

“Don’t call me doll and please get out of my face.” I push him away, but the more I push, the further he leans back in.

“Phillip, seriously, you’re seeing this chick? She’s hot, but she has a filthy mouth; that’s for sure.”

“We’re not technically seeing each other. Yet,” Phillip says, putting his hand behind his head.

“Phillip!” I give him a deadly gaze. I can’t believe he just said that, but it does make sense, considering we’re both basically forced to spend time with each other.

I wince. “I came here to take a much-needed breath, not to talk to some drunk stranger.”

“Who said anything about talking?” The guy grabs my arm so hard I flinch. “I’m way more interested in what else you can do with that mouth of yours.”

“Phillip!” I yell, as the guy leans in closer and closer.

Phillip makes fists with his hands, staring at us as he bites his lip, but he doesn’t move.

“What are you doing?” I say as the guy tries to kiss me. “Get off me!”

“No, let me taste those sweet lips,” he says, almost licking me.

“Get away!” I push as hard as I can, but it doesn’t stop him from pressing his dirty mouth onto mine, almost making me puke.

Right at that second, someone drags him backward, unlatching him from me, and he throws him to the ground. Spats of rain fall from the sky as I wipe my cheeks and watch Miles get down on top of him and beat the living shit out of him.

“She. Said. No!” he screams, punching his gut and face Copyright 2016 - 2024