Spying Under the Mistletoe (Love Undercover #2) - Stina Lindenblatt Page 0,86

love the sounds and the smells and the sights of the holiday season.

Online shopping can never beat that.

“Oh, this is cute,” I say to Kiera, picking up a onesie with a cartoon reindeer on the front. We’re currently looking for a present for her new niece.

“They’re all freaking cute.” She takes it from me and searches through the neat stacks for more. “Did I tell you, my sister bought tickets to a charity event for while I’m visiting her in Lake Tahoe?”

“What kind of charity event?”

“It’s some fancy masquerade ball she’s been helping organize. Which means I need to buy a dress for it.”

“You don’t sound too thrilled.”

She grabs a onesie with a smiling snowman on it. “I don’t know. I think I’d be happier just wearing PJs and hanging out with my niece. Getting a dress seems like too much effort.”

“You could always hope your fairy godmother pays you a visit and turns your ratty old pajamas into a beautiful ball gown.” I grin at her impishly.

She laughs. “I like that idea better.”

“But don’t they usually come with pumpkin coaches and kisses at midnight with a stranger?”

“Given there are no royal princes in Lake Tahoe at this time of year—or any time of the year—I don’t have to worry about that part of the fairy tale coming true.”

“I don’t know, being kissed by a good-looking stranger, royal or otherwise, sounds pretty wonderful to me,” I say on a dramatic sigh that has her laughing.

“You miss him, don’t you?”

Her out-of-the-blue question surprises me. “Miss who?”

“You know very well who I’m talking about.”

“Who, Landon?” At her nod, I continue, “In case you’ve forgotten, he hasn’t gone anywhere. He’s still substituting for Zoe’s class.”

Kiera doesn’t know the real reason Landon’s and my whirlwind romance came to an abrupt end. But she also doesn’t know the truth about my family, and why Mark, my stepfather, and my father disappeared from my life.

Nor has the news mentioned the discovery of their bodies. The FBI seems to be keeping it under wraps for now.

“Are you having second thoughts about spending Christmas with your sister and brother-in-law?” I ask, needing to change the subject.

She shakes her head, then shrugs. “Maybe. But I know I need to go. I’ve avoided visiting them there since…” She leaves the words hanging and shrugs again. Her husband died on a ski hill in Lake Tahoe. “It’s time I finally say good-bye to him.”

I smile softly at her. “I think you’re right.”

“Will you help me find a dress?”

“And get to be your fairy godmother? Absolutely.”

We continue with our Christmas shopping. One of the sad parts about not having a family to share the holidays with is that it means I don’t have many people to shop for. Which is another reason I love shopping with Kiera.

She does have a family.

I do, though, buy my mom a present like I always do. And like what has become tradition, I’ll send it to her without saying who it’s from.

And she’ll do the same.

For a second, I wonder if the FBI has told her the truth about her two husbands. Was she aware that her first husband was dead when she married my stepfather?

My phone rings. I remove it from my purse and answer it.

“Chloe,” Principal Woodnut says. “Have you spoken with Tabitha Windhouse yet, to get her approval for the costumes?”

“I left a message, but she never got back to me.” I have no idea why I need Tabitha’s approval. I’ve already told Principal Woodnut I paid for the material myself.

“Can you try her again? I just want to ensure there are no hitches when it comes to the concert.”

In other words, she doesn’t want me to give Tabitha a reason to be a pain in the butt when it comes to other school events.

“I’ll call her again now.”

“Thank you, Chloe.”

I end the call and speed-dial Tabitha’s number. It goes to voice mail again. God, I really hope she’s not avoiding my calls on purpose.

I leave her the same message as before and ask her to call me as soon as possible.

“Trouble with Tabitha again?” Kiera asks.

I tell her about the issue.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if one of her kids has an activity tonight,” Kiera says, “and Tabitha had to drive them to it.”

“Good point. I’ll try her again later.”

Once we’ve finished buying presents, we head to a store that has fancy dresses.

“Wow, these are gorgeous,” I say as we search through the racks of ball gowns in rich jewel colors. “Your fairy

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