Spark of Hope (MacKenny Brothers #3) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,30

me in their own way, but their touch does little to abate my emotions.

“She’s alive,” says Angus.

Lochlan pats my shoulder. “That’s right, brother, she’s alive.”

I know what they’re doing. They want me to focus on the fact she’s not dead, but those screams came out of my woman—the woman I love. And as long as I live, I’ll relive those screams in my nightmares.

“What do we do?” I ask.

Sean looks to Angus. “You must have something.”

“My friend is good. Give her a minute.”

Logan has tears in his eyes. “Lola never cries, and she never screams.” He wipes his face. “She’s always taken care of herself. Always.”

Standing, I go and sit next to him. Da’s dining table is big enough for twelve people, and apart from some nicks in the tabletop from Sean when he was younger, it’s in perfect condition.

“Remember that. Lola can take care of herself. She’s a fighter. You know she’s strong.” I glance at my brothers and say with a certainty I don’t yet have. “She will get through this.”

“We have to go,” says Sean. “Church.”

I stare at Lochlan. “Can you take care of Logan?”

“No, I want to come.”

“No. You and Angus stay here.”

“But why?” he asks.

“We aren’t MC,” answers Angus.

It’s the simplest and truest explanation. Church is strictly for MC. It is not for outsiders. I’ll have a lot to explain and having him there is a distraction I don’t need.

“Look after him and don’t do anything until I get back. Understood?”

“What are we going to do?” asks Angus.

“I’m not playing,” I reply sternly.

“I’ll make sure they both stay here,” replies Lochlan.

“Thanks, brother.”

Sitting at the head of the table, I search the faces of the men I’ve come to trust. Sean, my brother and VP, sits to my left. On the other side is Wheels, then Rocky, who’s our Road Captain. Next to Sean is Arrow, the club’s Secretary, then Bags, our Treasurer, and next to him is Cutter, our Enforcer in the MC. The rest of the seats are taken up with patched-in members. No prospects are allowed to attend church.

The room is silent as all eyes are on me. It feels like I’m under an interrogation lamp, but in truth, apart from those closest to me, no one knows why they’ve been called. Arrow is going to be the hardest hit, he was Smokey’s sponsor, and I don’t believe there’s a member at this table who didn’t think Smokey wouldn’t get patched in. He was well-liked.

“I’m sure you’re all wondering why I called you in today.”

Bags taps the table and grins. “You missed me?”

Laughter filters around the room, but I keep my emotions locked down.

“Sunday morning, Lola was abducted.”

“What the fuck?” says Arrow.

The room explodes into conversation, and I hold up my hands to quieten them.

“There’s more.” If I thought they were silent before, now I can hear a pin drop. “Smokey is dead. Murdered.”

Arrow sucks in a breath, and there’s much cussing around the table. I say nothing, then hold up my hands again, and again they fall silent.

“The Rochas killed Smokey, but it’s complicated. Also looks like Wheels’ old lady is chasing the dragon.”

Wheels shifts uncomfortably in his chair.

Rocky, who’s one of his closest friends, slams the tabletop and points at him

“Is Wheels tied to the Rochas? Is that what got Lola kidnapped and Smokey dead?”

Despite the fact that Rocky is built like a linebacker and people often mistake his bulk for stupidity, he’s sharper than most. It took him no time to put things together.

“Wheels introduced Deedee to the Rochas, but he has nothing to do with the other matters at hand.”

“Vengeance must be had. Smokey must be avenged,” states Bags.

The bickering begins.

Sean points at Bags and nods.

Talking them down is going to be hard. And I understand their need for vengeance, but I don’t believe the Rochas are the ones we need to be focused on. Convincing them of this is going to be next to impossible.

Diesel is at the far end of the table, he knocks on it, and I stare at him.

“Who has Lola? And why weren’t we told any of this earlier?”

“Lola isn’t my old lady. I thought it was personal, not club business.”

“Lola has been around this club for years. She might not be yours, but none of us have ever laid a finger on her. She might as well be yours,” states Diesel.

I nod. “Yeah. As for not telling you all, I thought I was handling it.”

“How’d Smokey die?” asks Arrow.

Sean answers, “I sent him Copyright 2016 - 2024