Spark of Hope (MacKenny Brothers #3) - Kathleen Kelly Page 0,29

should know better. I’ve never been the lucky one.

Tommy throws Garry to the floor and runs for me.

I don’t even try to move.

Holding up my hands, I freeze.

“You were going to run,” yells Tommy.

I nod. “You can’t blame me. Garry’s a psycho and enjoys beating the shit out of me. What you should be asking yourself is… where did he get the drugs?”

Tommy points at me and hits his chest a couple of times. “Swear to God, Lo, if you try to run, I’ll break your fucking leg.” I nod, then he turns back to Garry. “Where’d you get the fix?”

With his arms spread wide, I’ve never seen Tommy so undone. He advances on Garry, who’s smart enough to stay down.

“Come on, man, it’s me,” pleads Garry.

“I know who and what you are. Now, answer the fucking question!”

Garry goes up on his knees and rests his ass on the heels of his feet. “Don’t let that bitch of a sister of mine get under your skin.”

Tommy crouches in front of him. He nods his head. “Where’d you get the drugs?”

Garry runs both hands through his hair and pulls at it, causing it to stand in tufts on his head. “I-I wanted…” Tears run down his face as he begins to cry.

That’s my family, drug-addicted, willing to screw you over for anything to get their next fix assholes.

“It was a good deal. We get the MC to pay for the drugs, we keep the drugs, and everyone goes home happy.”

Tommy stands and begins to pace. He hits himself on the forehead a few times and is muttering as he walks back and forth.

“Tommy, come on, man… you have to see it’s a good deal?”

“A good fucking deal? Do you know what you’ve done? We have a drug cartel and an MC out to get us now, all because you tried to screw us over.”

“It’s an opportunity, man. One where we can make bank. We just have to stick to the plan.”

“Tell me, Garry, how are we going to make bank when we’re as good as dead?”

Garry scrambles across the floor and grabs his gym bag. He opens the zipper and tips out the contents. Money and drugs spill out onto the floor.

“The MC will pay the debt for her. The Rochas will be happy. We’ll have drugs to sell, and look…” Garry holds up a wad of bills, “… we have this. It’s a win-win.”

Tommy moves toward Garry and stares down. He nods when he whispers something to Garry. Garry scowls at me, and from the expression on his face, whatever he says to Tommy doesn’t look good for me. Tommy shakes his head, and Garry reaches for his hand and says something. Tommy wrenches his hand out of his and takes a step back.

“You know I’m right,” pleads Garry in a louder whisper, so now I can hear them.

Tommy glances at me over his shoulder, his face is flushed with anger, but there’s something in his eyes that causes me to recoil. I take a step back, and he shakes his head once.

“Don’t run, Lo. You won’t like what I do to you if you do.” His voice is cold, hostile, and full of hatred.

Tommy advances on me, avoiding eye contact, grabs me by the arm, and drags me toward a chair. “Sit, Lo. I need to think.”

“What do you need to think about?”

Tommy glances at Garry. “It appears Garry had a plan all along, one that didn’t include me,” he stares back at me. “But it did include you, Lo. Now, I have to decide.”

“Decide on what, Tommy? You’re scaring me.”

“It’s not a bad plan, Lo. We get the drugs and the money, but there’s one loose end.”

The way he’s studying me causes my skin to crawl. “Me. I’m the loose end?” Tommy nods. “I won’t say anything,” I whisper.

“Yeah, but Lo, we both know you love that MC guy. You’d tell him, and then we’d be hunted.”

“I won’t. Tommy, you know me. Please, don’t do this.”

Tommy touches my face and brushes the hair away. “I’ve always liked you, Lo, but I need to consider my options.”

Garry begins to laugh, and Tommy walks toward him. “Tie her up.”

“We could do it now.”

Tommy grabs him by the shirt. “I said… tie her up.”

“All right, all right. I guess we need her to talk to her boyfriend again, anyway.”


I’m staring at the cell phone when Sean puts his hand over mine, then Lochlan touches my shoulder. Both are trying to reassure Copyright 2016 - 2024