Spark (Academy of Unpredictable Magic #1) - Sadie Moss Page 0,20

I know you do your best not to let me see it, but c’mon, Elliot. I’m eighteen, and I’m not stupid. I think this could be a really good chance for you to find some people you can connect with, and to make some friends and find a community. You deserve to feel like a part of something.”

I start to shake my head again, but she talks a little faster, cutting off the gesture with her words.

“And I know the magical world isn’t perfect, and the Circuit is kind of strict. But I’ve met lots of wonderful people at my school, and I think you’d meet a lot of great people at yours. You can always change your mind and request to have your magic suppressed later if you really don’t want it, but who knows if you’d be able to undo the suppressing? So why not just give the whole thing a try and see?”

She does have a point, I suppose, about the magical suppression. I doubt it would be easy to unburn that bridge once it’s nice and crispy. And I can always quit school and let them suppress my magic instead if I decide it’s not for me.

And I do really, really hate disappointing my sister. If she wants me to do this…

I mean, it can’t be all that much worse than how my life already is, can it? I’m tough. I can take whatever they throw at me.

I squeeze Maddy’s hand. “All right. I’ll give it a chance. I’ll go to school—if only so I can learn to kick your ass at magic.”

My sister launches herself at me, wrapping her arms around me in a hug. “I’m so happy for you,” she whispers. “And I know Mom would be happy too. I just know it.”

I hug her back then hold out my hand. “All right. Give me your phone and Aurora’s number before I change my mind.”

She grins, pulling out her cell phone and Aurora’s business card.

The polished woman was probably expecting my call, waiting for me to cave, because she answers on the first ring. “Hello?”

“It’s Elliot,” I say. “I’ve thought about it, and I’ve decided to take you up on your offer. Sign me up for the academy.”

My stomach roils with nerves as I speak. Beside me, Maddy is still grinning from ear to ear.

Well, at least one of us is looking forward to this.

Chapter 8

I’m not sure what to expect from this magical academy I’ve agreed to go to.

Sure, I looked up schools for Maddy, and back when I was much younger and Mom still had hope that I’d manifest some kind of magical ability, she showed me some brochures for various schools and stuff. And I figure it can’t be too different from a normal college—although, since we’ve all got Unpredictable magic, I’m guessing most of the students will be older, like I am.

But in spite of my generally low expectations, I can’t help but be impressed after a car picks me up and drives me several hours east, out into the woods—and we round the final bend on the winding road toward campus, giving me my first glimpse of it.

Holy shit. This is beautiful.

A large stone wall stretches into the distance on either side, probably encompassing the entire campus grounds, and a gate across the road opens to grant us entrance. The car idles as the driver waits for something, and I feel a prickle of magic as we drive through. It must be the protective wards that surround the academy grounds. Maddy mentioned they have something like this at her school too, and I imagine the ones protecting this campus are even stronger than usual. Both to keep threats out and to keep the students’ dangerous magic in.

My head swivels from side to side as the car pulls forward, my wide-eyed gaze trying to take in everything at once. We follow a short stretch of road, passing the administration building. The road intersects another street that creates a massive loop. Large trees and footpaths criss-cross the grassy area inside the loop, and buildings are arrayed outside it. We pass what appear to be dormitories first. Several of them are clustered together, like several old sprawling Victorian manor houses got together for a party. Smaller buildings are situated off to the side. Maybe staff and administration housing?

My jaw drops, and I know the driver can sense my awe because he chuckles.

“Welcome to the Academy of Unpredictable Magic,” he tells me.

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