The Spanish Tycoon's Temptress Page 0,55

onto the towel with his hand while he followed her. She was grabbing her clothes and putting them on as quickly as possible, uncaring that she was still wet and her clothes were now clinging to her. “We’re not finished, Elana. This isn’t over. Just stop and listen to me,” he demanded.

She stood up quickly, her hand slicing through the air to deny his command. “I’m not listening to anything you have to say. I have no idea why you came back into my life when you thought I was without honor, but that’s done now! We’re over. If you come near me again, I’ll call the police and I’ll get a restraining order.”

He ran a hand through her hair. “Don’t be ridiculous, Elana. We need to discuss this. We’re older now. We both know what we want.”

That only angered her more because just standing there in front of her, she knew that she wanted him, wanted him to hold her and tell her that he was sorry again, that he had been an idiot and he should never have put both of them through all of this. But she couldn’t wait for that. She was too hurt, too angry for explanations. She wanted to hurt him as badly as he’d hurt her seven years ago. Glaring at him while she struggled to attach her bra with shaking fingers, she said, “And I don’t want you!”

“We’re not finished!” he said when she pulled her sweater over her head and grabbed her purse. She was already walking out the door while he was still trying to pull on a pair of pants, not even bothering with boxers in his effort to get to her and stop her from leaving him.

“You don’t get to dictate to me when this is over. We’re done and I don’t want to talk to you!”

She pressed the button on the elevator, relieved when the doors opened and she could just step into the cab. He was pursuing her steadily now, but she pressed the ‘close’ button several times, praying that she could get away. Just as he reached her, the doors closed and she leaned back against the richly paneled wall in relief. She’d done it. She’d gotten away, but the tears she’d thought were finished once again started flowing and she cursed herself for being so weak.

As soon as she stepped into the street, she lifted her arm and a cab was there in moments. That never happened, she thought but didn’t care how her luck had changed. She just dove into the back seat and gave the driver her address.

Within moments, her cell phone was ringing but she turned it off, not wanting to talk to Gaston about anything now.

Halfway to her house, she decided that her apartment would be the first place that Gaston would look for her. And she knew that he would look. He would hunt her down until he found her so she needed to find a place where he wouldn’t think to look. The only place she could think of that would be safe was the university library. She could hide in the stacks and no one would search all the floors looking for her. Students were known to do some pretty lascivious things in the bookshelves so most people kept their eyes on their studies.

She gave the driver the new address, then sat back and watched the lights of the streets pass by. She remembered that first night, watching the lights illuminate and fade as they took in Gaston’s features and she thought to herself that this was all he could be. Now she had the darkness again, all at his hands. His distrust of her was so painful to her that she could barely think about what he’d done to them, to their relationship.

The driver let her off and she paid him, giving him a large tip because she didn’t want to wait for change. She rushed out and hurried through the heavy doors of the old library, feeling safe and secure inside the walls. People had lived and died here, the books telling their stories. The lights were painfully bright, helping the students study into the wee hours of the night but she wanted to find a dark corner, some place where she could lick her wounds and figure out her next step.

She’d recovered once from Gaston’s departure, she could surely do it again. She just had to find the inner strength to fight the need Copyright 2016 - 2024