Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,42

is more important to me than you think,” Malcolm announced.

“Guess what Malcolm, I care for her too,” Rene smiled.

“Don’t say you love her, than I know you are surely jesting,” Malcolm laughed.

“It might be dear friend. It just might be,” Rene announced to Malcolm and himself.

“Well, I won’t stand in your way if she wants you, but I doubt that very much,” Malcolm smirked.

“And why is that?” Rene asked.

“Because she is going to marry me on the ship to Virginia, I plan to have the Captain perform the ceremony,” Malcolm said confidently.

“Well, won’t you be disappointed when she says no.” Rene jabbed, “unless of course you force her, which I wouldn’t put past you.”

“No need for that. She is falling for me already,” Malcolm announced.

“Then why did she kiss me?” smirked Rene.

“Sir,” they were interrupted by the housemaid. “The doctor is here.”

# # #

“Are you sure you want to leave?” Rene asked Johanna.

“I am sure. It is time for me to go.” She smiled at him as he held her hands.

“If I ask you to marry me, would you stay then?” Rene asked actually surprised by his own words.

“Oh Rene,” Johanna smiled, “you have been the best part of New Orleans. I will always cherish our time together. I thank you for your hospitality.”

“But the answer is no,” he answered for her.

‘You don’t mean it,” Johanna smiled.

“But I think I love you,” he kept blurting things out desperately. He really didn’t want her to go.

“Today you think you do, wait until you meet your next conquest tomorrow,” she laughed. She kissed him on the cheek.

Rene frowned, “The coach is waiting for you outside to meet Malcolm at the dock.”

“Thank you,” Johanna said.

“I would be weary of him,” warned Rene. “There is a lot you don’t know about him.”

“I will,” Johanna smiled, thinking he was being a bit jealous.

She walked to the coach and did a small wave goodbye before stepping in. It wasn’t enough for him. He ran to her and kissed her passionately. And this time she let go of her pride and let him.

Chapter 18

s they approached a young deckhand Malcolm took her by the hand, “She’s my fiancée, soon to be Mrs. Graystone.”

Johanna’s face warmed, embarrassed by the lie.

Malcolm leaned into her and whispered, “I am sorry, I probably should have discussed it with you first.”

“You just caught me off guard that was all,” Johanna tried to brush it off.

“Well Miss Johanna,” Malcolm bowed, “I would be honored to have your hand. Then we wouldn’t be living a lie and I could give you a home, a family, my love.”

Johanna found herself speechless for a moment. How could she have two offers of marriage within an hour of each other? It was mind boggling to her.

“I did not know you felt this way,” she said.

“You didn’t?” asked Malcolm. “Surprising as it may seem but I have loved you even before we met. Your uncle has talked about you with such joy. I knew I had to meet the woman ‘who lights up a room and warms every heart’. And when I saw your family portrait and there you were as beautiful as ever, I believed that there was no other woman for me.” He kissed her hand gently.

It was hard for her to take this all in. It wasn’t everyday she was proposed to, well, actually today it was. She smirked at the thought of it.

“You haven’t answered me. Will you give me the utmost pleasure in accepting my proposal of marriage?” asked Malcolm.

“This has happened so quickly. I feel my head spinning. Will you give me a few days to consider your offer?” she asked with a slight smile.

He smiled back at her, his dimples showing. He was very adorable and she thought at least he didn’t try to kiss her. If one more man kissed her without asking she would have to agree with David, she was a Southern whore.

“Of course, but not another moment longer,” Malcolm smiled.

“Agreed,” she smiled back.

“Let’s go prepare ourselves for dinner with the captain,” said Malcolm. They walked arm and arm toward their quarters.

A short time later Johanna heard a knock at her cabin door. “Are you ready Mr. Graystone?” she asked.

“I am sorry I won’t be joining you,” Malcolm said frowning. She looked at him with raised eyebrows. “I’ve received an urgent telegram. I must leave immediately,” said Malcolm.

“Are you not traveling with me?” asked Johanna.

“I will be back before your departure,” Malcolm assured her. “My contact doesn’t like Copyright 2016 - 2024