Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,41

don't seem to be running a fever now," He gently caressed her cheek, "I was worried about you."

Johanna brushed him off. "Rene what about the pirate at the St. Charles Hotel, was that you too?"

"Absolutely not, I saved you remember?" he looked longingly toward her. Johanna couldn't help looking into his handsome face and feeling that he was telling the truth. He softly caressed her hand. She wanted to be angry with him but she just couldn't. She suddenly had this strange feeling of wanting to kiss him, so she quickly diverted her eyes from him before he noticed.

"I only remember the woman in the cloak who looked like your voodoo queen, only younger," said Johanna.

"It was her daughter, also named Marie. I had nothing to do with it. I think it was all a set up by," he trailed off, "someone from the union."

Johanna thought of David again but quickly pushed it aside before it became too vivid.

"Here is some tea. Please drink it, it will make you feel better," he handed her the warm cup. "My sister has left. Please consider staying awhile longer."

"Are you holding me prisoner, Mr. Beauregard?" asked Johanna with a half smile.

"If it will keep you here with me, then yes," and he leaned in and kissed her square on the mouth. He left the room before she could protest or throw the teacup at him whichever was coming first.

Instead Johanna sat in shocked silence. Surprised at what an amazing kiss it really was. She smiled to herself with almost a laugh. She realized how much practice he must have had to perfect his kisses. She put her hand up to her lips feeling the heat from Rene’s kiss. It affected her more than she wanted to admit.

"No. No. No." she tried to convince herself shaking her head. Things didn't seem to be getting an easier for her.

Chapter 17


thought you were meeting me at the dock? Are you still not feeling well?" Malcolm asked with concern in his voice.

"I am fine Malcolm,” she patted his arm, “I don't think even a fever will keep me from getting to Virginia," she smiled.

Rene walked in the room with a tray full of cookies and tea. Johanna tried not to look at him, but her eyes were drawn to his handsome face again. Her face warmed thinking of their kiss. He gave her a big smile. No words were spoken between them but Malcolm felt as he had just interrupted something.

"Johanna? Did you hear me?" Malcolm asked.

Johanna feeling more embarrassed she didn't hear what Malcolm said turned to him quickly, "Yes, Mr. Graystone?" she tried to cover.

Rene softly laughed behind them fully aware of his new effect on Johanna.

Malcolm turned around and faced Rene. "Should I be concerned with the time you have been spending with Miss Lee?"

Rene stared at Johanna with longing while he answered Malcolm. A technique he had perfected. "Absolutely," he said smiling.

"Oh Rene, knock it off." Johanna laughed and then said to Malcolm," Rene has been a wonderful friend, but I am ready to go home." Johanna decided she was not going to be tripped off her course for a silly kiss from a man whose joy was the passion of women, especially those who seemed impossible to get. It was a great kiss. But it was not the kiss. He wasn't him and he could never be.

Rene actually looked hurt, but he recovered quickly. "I think she needs to rest." he felt her head. "It seems her fever has returned. I will call the doctor right away." Rene left the room.

Malcolm was silent as he walked towards Johanna and caressed her hand.

”The ship is set to sell tomorrow evening. Do you think you will be ready to leave by then? Malcolm asked her.

“I just need to get rest,” Johanna yawned. “I will be ready.” Johanna closed her eyes. The fever made her feel suddenly sleepy.

“The doctor is on the way,” Rene walked in.

“Didn’t you have an epidemic here a few years ago? I hope she has not contracted it,” Malcolm said concerned.

“Yes, it was yellow fever, wiped out about 5000 residents two years ago,” Rene smiled. “I don’t think this is yellow fever. It should wear off soon enough.”

“What does that mean?” Malcolm asked not trusting Rene.

“I mean she should feel better soon,” said Rene covering his tracks.

“She is asleep now,” said Malcolm. “I think we need to get one thing straight.”

“And what is that Malcolm?” Rene smiled knowing what was coming.

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