Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,20

Alice for leaving her stuck with Clarice and her nonsensical talk.

“Oh yes. You might not have heard yet,” she steps closer and lowers her voice to a whisper,” but I am soon to be engaged.”

“Engaged!?” Johanna gasped.

“Keep your voice down. My papa doesn’t know yet,” Clarice said.

Stumbling over her words, still in shock, “You committed to only one?” Johanna mockingly asked.

Clarice laughs. “Oh, it is very easy when you’re in love. I am sure you someday you will know what I mean.” Clarice slams Johanna.

“Who could he possibly be?” Johanna now extremely annoyed by her remarks.

“Oh, you wouldn’t know him, he is new to the regiment,” said Clarice.

“A soldier?” Johanna choked on her words.

“Oh yes. I only just met him but he and I knew right away we were meant to be together.” Clarice announced with pride.

“That’s so nice for you.” Johanna said with slight sarcasm.

“I am sure you will be invited to our wedding,” said Clarice.

“Oh, thank you very much. I will look forward to it.” Johanna lied.

“Please do not tell anyone what I’ve told you. I want us to tell my papa tonight. I guess there really isn’t anyone for you to tell is there? I have more guests to talk to so I must leave you, goodbye.” Clarice gets one more jab in.

“He’s here?” Johanna asked in vain. Clarice had already begun to mingle and gossip with the other guests.

Johanna cannot figure why she would be so interested in finding who this new soldier is in Clarice’s life. For some reason it vexed her. She wanted to know who he was. Who would possibly trust her? He must not know her very well.

“She is truly evil isn’t she?” Mary Alice stepped back into Johanna’s sight.

“Thanks a lot,” said Johanna.

Mary Alice laughed, “I knew you could handle her yourself. You always could.”

“Can you believe the nerve of her? She truly thinks she is the only one that has ever been in love,” said Johanna.

“Are you in love Johanna?” Mary Alice questioned.

Chapter 8

avid walked to the edge of the balcony looking over the garden’s edge. He pondered his dilemma. He wanted to express his love to Johanna, but his mission was clouding his focus. Or was his love for Johanna clouding his mission? He didn’t know anymore. Maybe I should tell her I love her. I don’t know if she would even believe me. Oh no…what am I doing? His thoughts were interrupted.

“Hello my sweet Lieutenant.” David knew that voice, and he closed his eyes to wish her away but she came closer. She grabbed his hand and turned him around towards her. Pressing herself against him she whispered, “What are you doing out here in the shadows? Were you waiting for me?” asked Clarice.

She was hoping David would enjoy her playfulness. David found it to be revolting, he found her to be revolting. He was truly surprised that a woman with her upbringing would have such a strong, straight forward personality when in the presence of a gentleman. It was down right disgraceful and a bit shocking. Although he understood why men would fall for her hard and fast, she was flawlessly beautiful. Her body was curvy and she wore her gowns well. It also helped that she came from a very powerful and wealthy family. She was confidant enough to know what she wanted and not afraid to go after it even if it meant pretending to be a bashful lover if that is what it took. Her mastery of manipulation was evident the more time David spent with her. She had a gift. It was a dangerous gift, but she knew when to use it to her advantage every time.

David was never taken in by her. He was never fooled by her outer appearance for her inner beauty was much to be desired and that was something she apparently could not hide. She had been the perfect cover for his covert operation to get to Johanna and now he did not need her friendship any longer so he thought.

“I have to tell you something,” he tried to stop her.

“Tell me later, let’s go be together alone somewhere,” she insisted.

“Now?” David asked out of shock.

“You seem surprised?” she asked grinning seductively.

“I just…” he tried to say, but she quickly leaned in to him and before he could protest, she kissed him hard upon the lips.

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Johanna saw Malcolm heading toward her and she was surprised that she was actually blushing. Over the course of just a Copyright 2016 - 2024