Southern Beauty - By Julie Lucia Page 0,19

that aloud? Johanna surprised herself. “Why did you even come back here?” Johanna tried desperately to hold back her tears, but when one slipped down her frosted cheek, she turned towards the garden once more. David was about to touch her hand and bring it towards him, when a man suddenly interrupted them.

“Miss Johanna, is this man bothering you?” Malcolm Graystone came out onto the balcony, interrupting what it looked like, a lover’s quarrel. Johanna cleared her eyes and turned to him.

“No Mr. Graystone. I’m fine,” she said.

“I’m sorry, and you are?” he inquired toward David, who still hadn’t turned in Malcolm’s direction until now. David nodded. Malcolm’s eyes widened and then he composed himself with a smile. He turned to Johanna. “May I have the next dance?”

“Yes, I would like that, thank you.” And she passed David and held Malcolm’s arm toward the dance floor. She couldn’t look back. She was mortified she had given away her secret jealousy. On the dance floor Malcolm interrogated Johanna.

“Who was the gentleman?” Malcolm asked.

“He was no gentleman,” she said. “He was the one you bashed in the head with your gun, and now I would like to do it myself,” she wanted to say. Instead she lied. “Just someone who was sure of himself that I would be interested in a dance, I guess he didn’t want to take no for an answer.” She had no idea why she continued to protect him.

“I see, how quite peculiar,” said Malcolm.

“What’s that?” asked Johanna.

“Oh, he looks familiar,” he said, “but I am not quite sure where from.”

“I know why he looks familiar to you,” she thought. They were interrupted by General P.G.T. Beauregard himself.

“Hello, Private Graystone, it’s so nice to see you again. I see you’ve retrieved the package,” he looked at Johanna and smiled.

Malcolm smiled back and excused himself from Johanna to make it a private conversation.

“Oh, my delivery is not quite complete, but I am sure the package will be delivered in a few weeks time. I am confident that my goals will be achieved by the end of the delivery,” said Malcolm.

Not interested in their conversation anyway, Johanna made her way across the room. She felt considerable relief when she spied her dear friend Mary Alice.

“You have truly surprised me! It’s so nice to see you out.” Mary Alice hugged her. “I can’t believe you would come to Clarice’s ball.”

“It’s not her ball it’s her family’s ball. Actually, I came with someone,” Johanna pointed to Malcolm who had been still involved in conversation with Beauregard. “He’s over there.”

“I guess you don’t need me to set you up, you did fine on your own,” Mary Alice laughed impressed with her friend’s companion for the evening. “Where did you find him, and does he have a brother?”

“Oh, he came and rescued me from a terrible situation and a dreadful man,” said Johanna.

“You must tell,” Mary Alice intrigued now.

“Another time Mary Alice, I must find my uncle. Have you seen him yet?” Johanna asked.

“No, not yet, but I will let you know if I do. Did you hear that Clarice’s mysterious lover is here at the party? I haven’t seen him yet, but I heard he is the most handsome man in the room.” She looked at Johanna’s agitated state. “Of course until you came with Mr. Graystone.”

Johanna smiled back at her. “You are truly a good friend, Mary Alice.”

“Oh no, she is heading this way,” said Mary Alice.

“Who is?” By the time Johanna glanced away to see who was approaching them, Mary Alice slipped away.

“Hello Johanna,” Clarice said with a bit of arrogance.

“Ah, Clarice,” Johanna nodded with a slight bow.

“It’s so nice to see you out,” Clarice lied. “It’s been awhile.”

“Well, thank you, you have a lovely home.” Johanna followed.

“It’s not as nice as the one in New Orleans, but it is charming. It is Parisian decor. You probably recognized it, actually, you probably feel more at home here. Anyway, I am surprised to see you.” Clarice said.

“Oh?” Johanna questioned ignoring Clarice’s jab about her family.

“Well, since you have been in that little depression of yours, secluded from everyone, a lot has happened.” Clarice said.

“A lot has happened where?” questioned Johanna.

“Oh, not with the conflict, I don’t waste my time on depressing thoughts like that, it would ruin one’s day, don’t you think? No, I mean a lot has happened to me.” Clarice proudly announced.

Oh great, here she goes, thought Johanna.

“Yes?” Johanna asked although she didn’t want to know, equally annoyed with Mary Copyright 2016 - 2024