Sounds of Silence - Candace Wondrak Page 0,35

him earlier in the week, that I was taking Bree out again, this time solo. He’d known something was off between us during the double date, and he’d apologized for trying to push me to date when it was way too soon.

And it was too soon. It was far too soon, the wound too recent and ugly, for me to date.

If that was the case, why was I doing this? Why did I care about making it up to Bree? I had no obligation to her, none whatsoever. She wasn’t even my type. She was the very opposite of the kind of girl I usually went for, but…but maybe that was a good thing. Maybe the girls I normally went for weren’t the ones I should be with. Hilary had shown that enough on her own.

No, I was going on this date with Bree, and I was going to give it my all. I deserved to have a good time, as did she.

This time, I dressed up a bit. Threw on a nice, clean button-down shirt after showering. I put a bit of gel in my blonde hair, spiking it up into a fauxhawk as much as its short length would allow. Nice, dark jeans. A bit of cologne. I looked how I should’ve looked last weekend.

Hopefully Bree would forgive me for my actions last weekend. I hadn’t been nearly as gentlemanly as I should’ve been, and I hated that she got that first impression of me. That wasn’t the kind of guy I was.

Kyle and his girlfriend had postponed their date so they could see us both off. He practically stalked me as I got ready, watching every move I made. “You do know that Michelle will kill me if you’re a jerk to Bree, right?” he questioned, folding his hands over his chest in the hall, watching me from just outside the bathroom.

I tossed him a look. “I’m not going to be a jerk, alright? I’m in a better mood now.”

He was unimpressed. “She damn well nearly killed me for not telling her the moment I found out you and Bree were going out again. She’s very invested in your relationship.”

I let out a laugh. There was no relationship between Bree and I. We were just two adults going out on a date, hopefully to have a good time with each other. That’s it. I wasn’t looking for a new girlfriend. Plus, I meant what I said before about long-distance relationships.

“You and Michelle are getting way too ahead of yourselves,” I told him, exiting the bathroom, heading into my room to slip on my shoes. It was about time to pick her up at her house.

Was it weird that I was kind of excited? With just her and I on the date, there would be no one else. No one watching us, no one else’s hopes pushed upon us to somehow click like couples always did instantly in the movies. In real life, it was never like that. Things were always messier, and they took more time.

When he started following me down the stairs, I stopped him. “Look, Kyle, everything will be fine. I’ll make sure Bree has fun, and I’ll get my mind off what happened with Hilary. I’d tell you not to wait up, but…” He and Michelle were usually locked in his room when they were here, so I knew what they got into.

Mom was fine with a lot of things, as long as protection was used. She was a pretty chill parent—a pretty chill parent who was currently at some boring work function, so luckily she wouldn’t be sending me off tonight. Just Kyle had that honor, unfortunately.

“Just…” Kyle paused, trying, undoubtedly, to think up something witty to say, “Don’t have too much fun, okay?” He gave me a wink, which caused me to roll my eyes.

I said nothing else, but I did give him a finger as I spun and walked down the stairs. The middle one. Thought it was a good salute to my idiot little brother.

Within fifteen minutes, I was pulling into Bree’s driveway. I didn’t get her number, so I couldn’t text her that I was here. I’d told her around what time I’d pick her up, but I didn’t see anybody standing on the porch or anybody waiting inside through the windows. My hand reached for the keys, turning the ignition off but leaving the keys inside as I got out and headed to the front door.

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