Son and Throne - Diana Knightley Page 0,60

and closed the flap. A few minutes later, Magnus’s voice: “Pack up, we need tae move our location.”

“Oh.” I shoved the lantern and the leftover food in a bag, rolled up the sleeping bags and stuffed them in their bags. The issue was the tent, I hadn’t watched him put it up last night. And it was cold as shit outside, and my fingers and brain were having trouble coordinating. Luckily Magnus hustled down a trail from the hill, carrying a pair of binoculars and his radio.

He packed the binoculars and radio as I brought him the sleeping bags. He said, “Pack them, I will take down the tent.”

It took him about two minutes to have it collapsed, rolled up, and the sticks broken down small. “Practically professional,” I said.

“Aye, speaking of professional, ye are goin’ tae ride this horse.”

“Which horse — this strange horse? She’s not Osna, or Sunny, or any horse I — I barely know her. I don’t think I’m ready to get on a strange horse all by myself.”

“Tis a gentle horse, I picked her because she is old and daena want tae do anythin’ but follow the other.”

“Gentle? Then why is she looking so menacing?”

He lifted me to the horse’s back.

“She inna, she is lookin’ at ye suspiciously because she believes ye might complain the whole time she is carryin’ ye.”

“I’m in the deep dark woods of Scotland in the wrong century and I’m on a strange horse who doesn’t want me to be on her back.”

“She will follow me, ye daena do anythin’ but ride.”


He climbed onto his own horse and led the way from our clearing.

Forty - Kaitlyn

I pulled a blanket around my skirts for warmth, ate a protein bar, and casually conversed with Magnus while we were on a straight away, but once we were picking a treacherous path up and down mountainsides all I could do was hold onto the reins, terrified I would fall off. The wind slowed as the sun rose higher in the sky. We stopped by a stream and ate some salami passing it from horse to horse. I said, “There were really men coming?”

“Aye, they were a few miles off, and might hae passed by without seein’ us, but I dinna ken their purpose. Twas best tae move.”

“It means Lady Mairead will have a harder time finding us, but on the bright side, it will give her something to do. A long horse ride will be good for her. Give her time to think about her actions.” I grinned.

Then I complained, “I have to pee though and my breasts are twice as big as yesterday, it hurts like hell.” He brought our horses to a group of trees and helped me drop to the ground, and passed me a towel. While he wandered a bit away to look over the landscape with the binoculars. I used the horse to block the wind, and with my forehead against the side of the horse I stuffed the towel under my breasts and expressed some milk to relieve my pressure and suffering.

Magnus returned. “Finished?”

“Yeah. Just milking myself. Even horse was judgy about it.”

Horse moved her head around to nuzzle my cheek. “Aw, she likes me.”

“I expect she would, ye are just ridin’, nae being a bother.”

“What’s her name?”

“Her name is Hurley, his is Cynric.”

“Perfect, she is beautiful, like Elizabeth Hurley, and the other is brown like cinnamon, Hurley and Cinny. Your horse even sounds like Sunny.”

“Och, I miss him.”

“I know. I’m sure he misses you too. I bet he wishes he could go on all your adventures.” My breasts felt less explosive. “Okay, I’m done. It feels better.” I added, “What the hell, man, female bodies are constantly in mutiny. Milk? Blood? My back is still aching, and my arse is sore from riding...”

“We winna ride much farther, mo reul-iuil.” He pushed me up to the horse. “And my body is often in mutiny as well, ye remember m’broken rib. My weak heart, m’cock goes soft after I hae had ye.” He climbed on his horse, and joked, “If it were tae listen tae me on it, twould never go soft.”

“Ha! Now that’s a thought.” My horse followed along behind his. “Imagine if you were hard from the moment you woke up until you went to sleep.”

He shivered with a laugh. “Twould be exhausting.” Then he shrugged. “But twould be majestic as well, and I would be the undisputed ruler of everyone. I would walk intae a room and Copyright 2016 - 2024