Son and Throne - Diana Knightley Page 0,59

to the throne. You have to always be on guard with them. So maybe Hayley and Fraoch didn’t know what the vessel meant, and they didn’t want to worry you. Because Fraoch is a loyal friend, maybe they didn’t want to upset that.”

“Aye, maybe. He was keeping a great many secrets.”

“It would have been really difficult to explain, ‘Remember when we met? I was hired to kill you.’ You might not have forgiven him.”


His hand squirreled under the covers to my knee and rested on it.

I said, “I drank too much coffee, I can’t sleep.”

“I canna either.”

I said, “Thank you for coming for me. I can’t imagine a world where you wouldn’t. But it’s such a big thing to do. Thank you. I wouldn’t have survived without you.”

“We are in this taegether, mo reul-iuil. As soon as I heard ye were here I was packin’ tae come.”

I pulled his hand up and kissed the knuckles. “I promised you a world where you wouldn’t have to kill, not like that.”

“Aye, but the world has a way tae it, one that ye canna control. Ye are a woman who wants the best — for me and our bairn. I ken ye want tae keep the trouble from reachin’ me, but trouble seems tae follow me and find me. Ye might kiss my fist and tell me everything will be okay, but also, mo reul-iuil, sometimes it inna okay, and sometimes yer kisses winna protect me. But I appreciate that ye try. If a kiss could do it, twould be yours.”

We sat for a few moments in the lantern glow, lost in our own thoughts.

I said, “I killed her.”

“I ken.”

“I’m a murderer.”

“Nae, twas in self-defense. Tis nae a sin, ye were protectin’ yerself and me and yer family. Did she swing at ye?”

“Yes, we fought and she pulled a gun on Hayley.”

“Och, then tis nae a sin nor a crime. She attempted tae kill yer friend. Ye were defendin’ Hayley. Tis nae murder.”

“I would definitely want you as my lawyer if it came to a court trial.”

“It would nae be necessary. I am your king, I say it inna murder.”

“Good.” I settled down beside him. “She said she would rather Archie die than live with me, but somehow, I still feel sorry for her.”

“Tis yer guilt. Ye will need tae pray on it, tae clear yer mind, but ye canna hold it inside, and ye shouldna. The truth is, Kaitlyn, Donnan was the terrible person who took her from her family. I made her son my heir and I provided for her. She had the option tae go home. I tried tae do the right thing by her, but she was always against me. And always a threat tae ye. And ye hae been kind tae her son, daena hold the guilt.”

“Okay, I’ll try not to.” I paused for a bit, then added, “But let’s not tell Archie how it happened, okay?”

“There was a war. Twas Roderick the Usurper against Magnus the First of Riaghalbane in the year 2385. Bella took the side of Roderick. She lost her life in the battle. Tis the way history will tell the story.”

“Thank you.” I added, “So now it’s just waiting for Lady Mairead. She should have been here already, but any day now...”


“Or the day after.”

His voice got low and slow. “Now I am fallin’ asleep.”

“Me too, finally.” I reached over and switched off the lantern and in the howl of the Scottish winter wind roaring against our tent, we fell asleep snuggled in our warm, heated sleeping bags.

It was freezing cold in the morning, but clear, a brutal wind, but good visibility. Magnus shrugged on his parka and pulled on boots. “I am goin’ tae check the horses and look out.” He passed me a walk-n-talk as he called it. “Call me if anything happens. Stay tight.”

He left the tent.

I forgot to ask if I could pee. I dressed: shift, long skirt, tartan wrapped around, boots, and parka.

Neither of us had a proper hat. I wondered if I found a sheep could I somehow get enough yarn to knit one, without Google. Or knitting needles. Or any idea how sheep wool became yarn.

I was a fucking useless Scottish wife.

I took my walk-n-talk out and peed under the tree, my mess from last night miraculously gone. The horses looked at me as if I was ‘a part of the problem’ and then went back to eating. They were saddled already.

I snuck back into the tent Copyright 2016 - 2024