Son and Throne - Diana Knightley Page 0,32

strength of his back, and then I gathered my arms and wrapped them around Isla, protecting my middle, my heart, her. I received a kiss on my forehead. He pulled away the wrap, gazed down at Isla’s face and then turned, to pick up his weapons. “I will see ye soon, mo reul-iuil.”

“I will see you soon, Magnus.”

And he walked to the stairs.

I stood there on the wall, nursing Isla, occasionally peering over to see the front gate. And then alternately staring at the monitor, and alternately watching a drone, trying to be the strength I was required to be. I didn’t have it in me, but I had become good at pretending.

Twenty - Kaitlyn

Zach came up to the walls. “Magnus told me to give you this.” He handed me the vessel monitor.

He added, “He and I discussed it, I’ve got a vessel too.”

I blinked back tears and nodded.

“As soon as the vessels turn on, me and Emma and Ben are leaving. I’ll send you a secure message, you remember how?”

“Yeah, I remember, I have the account numbers here.” I tapped my temple.

“Good, so you’ll be able to find us.”


“Okay, we’ll get in contact as soon as we’re all there, through the channels. We’ll go dark and wait for Magnus.”

I stared back at the horizon.

He said, “Safe travels, Katie.”

“Safe travels to you, tell Emma and Ben I’ll see them soon.”

A few moments later Hayley came to the wall. “How you doing?”

“Not... um...” I blinked back tears. “I’m concentrating on surviving here, can we not talk?”

“Of course, I’m just standing right over here.”

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw her pass a look with Fraoch. He took a place on my right. She stood on my left and they stood there, a silent support as my body tried to remain upright on its feet.

Twenty-one - Magnus

I stepped through the gate and was met with a drone, spinning near my head.

I trudged down the path tae the fields.

The voice of Philip boomed too loud beside m’ear. “You are right on time. In the year 2417, your son with Bella Florentin, Archibald the First, is also laying down his weapons and surrendering to Roderick.”

I slowed.

“Why would ye...?”

“Roderick wants you vanquished in every century, he likes the eloquence of it.”

I grunted. “He is a fool if he thinks he is winnin’. Tis only because I haena begun tae fight.”

The sound of the drone buzzing in m’ear followed me as I walked. “I want the vessels turned on. I hae families that are nae a part of this fight, who need tae return tae safety. If Roderick is tae be a civilized, honorable man, the proof should be to turn on the vessels.”

“How do we know you will not run?”

“I winna. Ye are holdin’ m’men and ye ken I am a man of m’word. I am comin’ as we agreed, in exchange ye will turn on the vessels.”

There was a long pause. “Empty your pockets.”

I stood still, the grass under m’feet long, wiltin’ in the sun. I held my sporran wide for the camera tae peer inside. I patted down my sides. “There inna a vessel here.”

“Fine. Continue.” I walked, my steps causing dust and wee bugs tae rise in the air, midges cloudin’ around m’face.

The drone was now behind me, spinnin’ slowly just above m’head. “Truthfully, it was not us that turned off the—”

I stopped in m’tracks.

Twas m’mother who had done it.

Lady Mairead was up tae soemthin’ — what hae ye done?

I was about halfway to the tree line. The tanks were now in clearer view. “Release m’men.”

From the far left, four figures on horseback rode from the woods along the far away river bank, skirtin’ the field. I raised m’hand. Quentin raised his in return. James followed. The young man carrying the Earl of Breadalbane’s flag nodded. Then Sean bellowed across the field, “Ben Cruachan, brother!”

“Aye brother, I will see ye on the hills!”

I turned to watch them go and this was the scene unfoldin’ behind me.

The four riders on horseback, thundering, kickin’ up a cloud of dust as they followed along the banks of the river and then addin’ tae it a cloud of insects as they crossed the sweeping grassy field...

I began walkin’ backwards, nae payin’ attention tae where I was goin’, but instead watching the castle,

and up on the walls,

the figure of Kaitlyn,

too far away tae hear,

her arm up in a wave,

I waved back

and then, still walkin’ backward, I threw m’arms out wide.

I dinna need tae concentrate on Copyright 2016 - 2024