Sold To Mr. Milano - Daniella Wright Page 0,27

He pressed his entire body against mine, forcing my spine up to the hard stone behind me. I realized suddenly that his hand was gripped tightly around my throat, almost enough to leave marks but not hard enough to completely keep me from breathing. His hand trembled, and I wondered what part of his urges he was fighting to resist. Was it his desire to kill me...or his desire for something else?

My throat rolled across his palm as I swallowed to speak. My voice struggled to rise over the tense grip of his hand. “Why use your bare hands? Why not use any one of those tools waiting for you over there? You’re taking advantage of me because I am a woman. You coward!”

I wanted to spit in his face, but he tightened his grip more and snarled back at me. “You’re more of a man than most men I know.”

It seemed to both pain him and delight him to admit it. There was nothing left between us, and as much as he seemed to want to choke me, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. I couldn’t turn my head to look away from him. All I could do was stare back into the abyss of his eyes and try to sort through what he might be thinking. The longer I stared, it was harder to even be certain of what I was thinking. An inexplicable warmth began flowing through me, maybe from his body heat alone. I told myself that was why I was suddenly longing for him not to move away...for him to stay close to me just like this. It had to be because of the heat emanating from his body and nothing more.



I intended to choke the life out of Alicia, or at least convince her that was what I was about to do. She had lied to me, manipulated me like a little child. I had never let anyone get by with treating me this way. The level of disrespect and lack of fear...not knowing her place. It was insulting and dangerous. If one little woman could go around acting this way towards me, everyone would get it in their heads that they could do the same.

She needed to be taught a lesson. And yet, when I charged towards her body and gripped her throat in my hand, I found myself getting sucked into her big brown eyes. Something changed about them. She was no more afraid than she had been before and worse - they were softening. Something in her was inviting me, luring me in.

I lost all control. I couldn’t even give it enough thought to stop myself. This pressure built up inside of me, threatening to explode, and the only thing to relieve it was to crash my lips into hers. I broke in...and that’s exactly what I did. I gripped her jaw tight and forced her to stay accept my mouth crashing against hers.

Her lips were stiff and tight, refusing to part for me. She breathed heavily through her nostrils and tried to whip her face out of my hand. When all else failed, she sank her teeth hard into my bottom lip - hard enough to draw blood. I growled and ripped away, touching my finger to the dripping redness.

The pressure started building in me again from the moment we separated. What could I do to relieve it this time? While I could see what she wanted shining out through her eyes, no matter how much she tried to hide it, she wouldn’t let herself give into it. I may have done many bad things in my life. I may have even let some people believe I had done worse than I ever actually would...for the sake of my reputation. Sometimes what people believed you did was more powerful than what you would actually do. But I was never a man who would force himself on a woman in that way.

Yet when I stared back at Alicia, rolling the blood of my lip between my finger and thumb, there was still something in her eyes daring me to come back to her. More than that...she was begging me to come back. I stepped forward more slowly this time and gently ran the back of my hand along her hair down to her cheek. She furrowed her brows and stared up at me with anger, but she did not start thrashing and trying to pull away like before. She Copyright 2016 - 2024