Skinwalker (Shadowborn Rebellion #3) - Cyndi Friberg Page 0,35

her. I’m pretty sure they are lovers.”

Understanding flickered to life in Salvo’s gaze and the tension in his posture melted away. “We could drag you past her cell struggling and twisting, then show her the surveillance feed of you or rather him pacing a cell just down the hall. She just needs to see you/him well enough to think it might have been Hastos. Doubt is a powerful tool, especially if it’s left to fester.”

“I agree,” Malik said firmly. “Fear of betrayal should be enough to shake some answers loose, and anything left moored after the shock can be excavated by Nikki. She’s right. She only has abilities because of Zerna and Hastos forced them on her. I say we let Zerna find out firsthand what Nikki can do.”

NIKKI TOOK THE GLASS of wine from Natalie with a faint smile. The excitement of discovering that other humans were on Sarronti Prime had been extinguished by the casual interrogation she’d just endured. She understood Malik’s interest. She’d been held captive by one of his enemies. That fact didn’t make her situation any easier to accept. Her friends were in serious trouble. All three of them had been changed on a cellular level. Were they even human anymore?

Had she ever been human? According to Jaron, she was a human/Sarronti hybrid. But she hadn’t been aware of the fact until he told her, so how important could it be?

She shook away the pointless speculation. Haley and Selina were being treated by a gifted healer and the best physician on the planet would soon be reviewing the diagnostics of all three of them. Everything that could be done was being done, so Nikki needed to let the situation play out. Once she had more information, she would start making decisions.

“I’m sorry about that.” Natalie motioned toward the dining table where the males still sat. She hadn’t spoken during the interrogation and her dark eyes were filled with regret. “I should have insisted that they wait until you’d had some time to process all of this before they laid into you.”

“It’s going to take years to process all of this,” Nikki muttered. “It was probably best to get it over with.”

“If it will make you feel any better, I know Jaron’s mom pretty well. She’s super sweet and really talented. Your friends couldn’t be in better hands.”

“Thanks. It helps. Everyone insists that it’s not my fault, but I still feel responsible for what’s happening to them.”

Natalie walked over and gave Nikki a hug. “Sorry. I can’t help it. My mom and all her sisters are huggers. It rubbed off on me.”

The unexpected embrace comforted her more than she’d expected, so Nikki lingered. “I need to call my parents, let them know I’m still alive.” She finally eased out of Natalie’s embrace and leaned against the kitchen counter. “I just don’t know how to tell them what happened without ending up in some government lab.”

“That’s a legitimate concern,” Kara agreed. “Every geneticist on the planet would love to get their hands on you.”

“What about on this planet?” Nikki challenged. “Unless Zerna is a complete anomaly, Sarronti scientists can be just as ruthless.”

“No one is going near you unless they’re cleared by our mates,” Natalie insisted. “So you have nothing to worry about.”

Nikki tensed, not willing to surrender control of her life to anyone no matter how well-meaning. “And if I don’t want anyone near me at all?”

“You’ll have to take that up with Jaron.” Kara grinned. “He can’t wait to get near you.”

Heat infused Nikki’s cheeks and she paused for a long sip of wine. “He feels sorry for me.”

Glancing toward the dining room, Kara shrugged. “Maybe, but he feels a whole lot more than that. Jaron is the biggest player I’ve ever known, yet he has been hovering around you like a protective bodyguard. Sarronti males only act like that with potential mates.”

Nikki laughed nervously, but heat spiraled through her body. She had tried to dismiss the connection she felt with Jaron. He was involved in her escape and shared trauma often led to a sense of comradery. But she was safe now and the feelings lingered. In fact, her attraction to him was growing more intense not fading away. It didn’t matter! Now was not the time. “I’m not looking for a mate on this or any other planet. My life is calm and uncomplicated, and that’s the way I like it.”

“So, clearly you don’t live in a big city.” Natalie motioned toward the Copyright 2016 - 2024