Skinwalker (Shadowborn Rebellion #3) - Cyndi Friberg Page 0,34

on Earth research the connection,” Malik assured her. “If there is something going on between your family and Zerna we’ll figure out what it is.”

“Thank you.”

Malik looked at Kara and Jaron sensed a ripple of telepathic communication.

Not surprisingly, Kara smiled at Nikki and suggested, “Why don’t we go chat in the kitchen so they can talk shop.”


All three of the females left and the males gathered around one end of the table. Salvo’s apartment was basically one open space. The only enclosed rooms were the bedrooms and bathrooms. The females were in the kitchen, but they weren’t far away.

Clearly understanding the possibility of being overheard, Malik switched to Sarronti. “I know your mother is treating Nikki’s companions. Are their issues physical or emotional?”

“Both,” Jaron admitted. “The Cretzians altered their DNA as well. The changes in Nikki seem to be stable, but both of her friends are deteriorating quickly.”

“Were you able to scan either of them?” Salvo wanted to know. “What sort of changes were made?”

“I only scanned Nikki.” Jaron glanced at her concerned about how this was affecting her. She stayed strong by remaining focused on her friends, but she had been traumatized too. “I could detect the changes, but that was all. As I said, I’ll know more once I’ve spoken with my mother.”

“I was hoping Nikki would explain about her abilities,” Malik said carefully. “Has she confided in you about what she can do?”

Jaron shook his head. “I’m not sure she knows. She could communicate with Velmar while he was still collared, but she didn’t seem to know how she was doing it.”

“That is highly unusual.” Salvo sounded impressed and a bit concerned.

“That’s all I know,” Jaron insisted. “She’s obviously not ready to go into detail with us.”

Malik looked toward the kitchen, jaw set, eyes slightly narrowed. “Maybe Kara and Natalie can get it out of her.”

“She isn’t our enemy,” Jaron flared. “She is a victim just like Velmar.”

“You’re right,” Malik paused for a deep breath. “I don’t mean to take it out on Nikki. I was just hoping for a better outcome.”

“Better than Velmar’s rescue?” Jaron objected. Malik and he very seldom disagreed, but they were headed toward a serious conflict if Malik kept this up.

“That is not what I meant and you know it. I was counting on Velmar to learn what the kwaris is all about.”

“The suppression collar changed everything,” Salvo said.

Malik stroked his chin as he stared into the distance.

Salvo looked at Jaron and they both chuckled.

“We’ve seen that look before,” Jaron observed. “What are you plotting?”

“Maybe Nikki is right.” Malik lowered his arm and shifted his gaze between his brother and Jaron. “Maybe arresting Zerna is exactly what’s needed right now. In fact, I think I’ll arrest all three of them.”

“Zerna, Indrex and Kantor?” Salvo sounded incredulous. “The Ayrontu will come after you in force.”

“Let them try,” Malik growled. “It didn’t work out very well last time.”

“If you arrest Zerna, everyone will shrug it off as a vendetta,” Salvo predicted. “She tried to have you executed. Retaliation is expected. But the other two are entirely different. Kantor is a village chief and Indrex has ancient blood running through his veins. They aren’t just elite, they are—”

“You sound like them,” Malik shot back angrily.

“And you’re being ridiculous! We’re trying to avoid outright war not set the capital on fire.”

Malik sucked in a deep breath then continued in a calmer tone. “I will arrest them discretely and bring them here. The Ayrontu don’t pay attention to what goes on in Ghost City. They consider it beneath them.”

Salvo just glared.

“And what do we do with them once they are in custody?” Jaron asked, hoping to defuse the budding argument. Malik and Salvo generally worked well together, but they were siblings. And no one could provoke someone faster than their brother or sister.

“I want Indrex and Kantor in custody so they can’t interfere with my plans for Zerna,” Malik explained. “We will let a reformed tribunal deal with them.

“And Zerna?” Salvo crossed his arms over his chest, but his expression was more open.

“I want to watch her react when we drag her alien partner into the cell next to hers chained and collared.” Malik accented the statement with a cruel smile.

“And how do you suggest we accomplish that with Velmar out of commission for the foreseeable future?” Salvo wanted to know.

Jaron easily guessed what Malik meant. He wasn’t thinking of a literal capture. “Without touching Hastos, I’m not sure I can reproduce him well enough to fool Copyright 2016 - 2024