Sins of Mine - Mary E. Twomey Page 0,61

the chair across the hardwood floor as Jen helps Gray sit down is the only sound in the room, and even that feels amplified.

Both my boyfriends have pants on. So at least there’s that.

Sander nods at Gray, which may seem like a small thing, but it’s not. Most won’t sit at a table where a shifter is, and forget about acknowledging them without attitude.

But Sander has always been classier than most. That much I know.

Whenever he came to question Daddy or arrest him, he always had peppermint candies in his pocket for me. He spoke to me in soft tones, rather than authoritative grunts.

Sander leans forward, pulling a small notebook out of his standard-issue jacket and setting it on the table between us. “Late last night, the fire department was alerted to a forest fire that they quickly contained. It seems it was a housefire that got out of control. As far as we can tell, there were five fatalities. Forensics is still working on it all, but it seems there was a shootout in your family’s cabin, Miss Valentine. Whoever the bullets didn’t kill, the fire took care of.” His gaze meets mine, communicating more than he’s saying. “The remains are so charred, I doubt we’ll be able to get a more in-depth read on the situation than that. If the slugs match the guns and prove they belong to the people in the cabin, then my investigation will end right there.”

My heart pounds, and I’m fairly certain I can feel my heartbeat in my ears. This… This isn’t the confrontation I was expecting to have.

Paxton’s volume is muted. He barely makes out a hoarse, “Is that so?”

The chief’s eyes move toward Paxton. “I’m here because the two who shot each other were King Regis and Conan Valentine.” Then, as if we don’t recognize the names, he adds, “Your fathers.”

I can’t draw in a full breath. There’s nothing I can say. I don’t have any reaction that wouldn’t be completely fabricated.

“Oh,” I finally respond, doing my best to look stunned.

It’s a bad act. The second the sound pops out of my mouth, I know it’s the wrong one.

Paxton is equally unconvincing. “Goodness.”

Sander doesn’t call us out, though it’s clear he’s not fooled. He knows we had something to do with it all. He knows it was us.

Sweat rolls down my back.

Sander taps his notebook. “I’m coming here today because I know you were here at the commune all day yesterday.” His gaze darts to Jen. “Can you confirm that?”

Jen’s mouth falls open, but to her credit, she recovers quickly. “Without a doubt. They didn’t leave the Commune of Sinners.”

Sander nods at her obvious lie. “That’s what I thought. I know this entire bit of news all comes as a shock to you both.” He shakes his head. “It’s a shame, really. The king of the world won’t be here to deal with all the controversy he’s caused. When he threw his own son in jail, that was the turning point for a lot of people. It’s not just random sons and daughters taking the punishment for their parents’ crimes; it’s their king who can’t accept responsibility.” Sander’s eyes lock on Paxton. “We all had hope that you would come into power and undo the things that have gone so very wrong. Now we finally have that chance.”

I can’t take it anymore. The confession bubbles up inside of me, needing a place to exist in the world. “I did it!” Of course, that’s the moment I find my volume. “I killed them both.”

Paxton jerks forward. “She’s lying to cover for me. Don’t listen to her. I did it. I killed both our dads. It was revenge for them sending us both to Prigham’s.”

Sloan groans at the ceiling. “You aren’t even being interrogated!”

Gray holds both his hands out, pushing his wrists together to ready for cuffs. “It was me. I killed them both.”

Jen, who’s standing behind Gray and Sloan, reaches forward and places her hand on Gray’s shoulder. “You did no such thing. It was me. King Regis abducted Sloan, whom I’ve been dating. I went after the king and shot him. Arly and I have gotten close from all the times I treated her at Prigham’s, so when I saw Conan Valentine at the cabin with the king, I took my opportunity and shot them both.” Then she raises her chin in the air, defying our gasps. “You’ll be able to match the tire treads of my car to any Copyright 2016 - 2024