Sins of Mine - Mary E. Twomey Page 0,60

beating, but his calm control over the situation is still impressive.

I dart to the door, throwing my arms in front of it to block his exit. “You’re insane if you think I’m going to let you take the heat for me. This is my show, and you don’t get to be on the hook for it.” Righteous anger stirs in my breast as I stare him down. “I am not my father. I will not pass off my sins onto the people I’m supposed to protect.”

Emotion passes behind Sloan’s eyes. “Do you really think I’d let you do that? You’ve been locked away long enough. It’s my turn. My hands are plenty dirty. Just because you beat me to this particular murder doesn’t mean a thing. You’re sitting this one out, bunny.”

Jen calls up for us, telling us we have a visitor. I know it’s got to be the cops, showing up to take us in.

These are my sins. These are my people.

So I slip out of the door and run down the stairs as quick as I can, ready with my confession.


Chief Sander and His Peppermints


Though the guys are right behind me, I’m first to the door. Jen’s look of warning is the only thing that shuts my mouth.

“Sit down, everyone. The chief of police says he has some terrible news.”

My eyebrows raise, though I probably shouldn’t be surprised that the chief came alone, rather than accompanied by a smattering of cops. “Hello, Sander.” I state his first name, rather than his title. Rather than asking him what he’s here for.

I know exactly why he’s here.

But the fact that he comes in with his chin lowered tells me perhaps we’re not on the same page.

“Morning, Miss Valentine. Quite the community you’ve built here. Might I have a word with you?”

He’s too polite to be showing up for an arrest. I don’t understand.

“Don’t listen to her!” Paxton shouts, thundering down the steps with Sloan. They shove at each other like children.

At least Paxton is wearing pants now.

“Would you both take it easy! Sloan, you sit down right this minute!” I don’t care that I sound maternal. Sloan needs a good scolding for running around, looking as beaten up as he does.

Jen sniggers, though I can tell she’s anxious at the company. “I was just about to put on a pot of coffee. Can I get you a cup, Chief?”

“That’d be great, ma’am.” Sander dips his head in her direction.

The guys slow as we all factor in the chief’s demeanor. He wants to stay for coffee. He’s not with a huge crew of people. As far as I can tell by glancing over the chief’s shoulder to the outdoors, his is the only cop car in the camp.

Jen corrals us into the kitchen, pulling out a chair for Sloan as Paxton does the same for me. We’re all doing a terrible job of feigning calm, but it’s the only shield we’ve got.

Sander takes a mug from Jen, but doesn’t sip his coffee. “I’ve got some bad news, so I guess it’s good you’re both here. Have a seat, Your Majesty.”

Paxton swallows hard, but obeys, his eyes darting to Sloan as the slow thumps on the stairs announce that Gray will not be left out of things. “There’s a shifter in the house, and I won’t see him harassed under our roof.”

I love how clearly Paxton lays down an edict of respect.

I stand to go help Gray, but Jen holds up her hand to me. “I’ll go. You stay.”

The chief raises his hands in surrender. “I’m not here for that. I’ve actually been up all night, so this coffee is much appreciated. There don’t seem to be any photographers out front. I’m glad I beat them all here.” He sets down his cup and gears himself up to look me in the eye. “Now, I’m going to tell you a story, and I want you to really hear it.”

I chew on my lower lip. “Yes, sir.”

Sloan points his finger at me. “Not a word, Arly. Let me call the lawyer first.”

The chief takes a cautious sip of his hot coffee. “Might want to hear my version of things first. I’m not here to ask any questions. I’m not here to make any opinions, other than the one the precinct has come to.” Sander sets his cup down and looks me dead in the eye, ignoring every other person in the room, even as Jen enters with Gray on her arm.

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