Sins of Mine - Mary E. Twomey Page 0,6

sharing it with nearly five hundred ex-cons. But at no point does she ever speak like that. She’s generous because that’s who she is, and everyone loves her for it. She went from the reason the world was broken to becoming their saving grace.

A smile breaks out on her composed face when a few squeals of delight echo up. “Cass, can you form teams and appoint team leaders for the tasks on this list?” She pulls a piece of paper from her pocket and hands it to Gray, who passes it off to Cassia. “Sloan is on his way in with the first fleet of houses. It’s going to be a big day, people. I need everyone to do me a favor and keep up that team spirit that’s made my heart swell so much these past two weeks. I’m proud of each and every one of you for sharing the resources and doing what you can to make this a place where we’re all grateful to live.”

My brows raise as several people leap up to volunteer. I can’t believe how closely she plays her hand to the vest. I had no idea this was all in the works. I mean, I knew she was working on finding more weatherproof housing for the rest of the inmates, but I had no idea the details were already finessed and taken care of.

I would have helped her. Why doesn’t she let anyone but Sloan help her?

Gray looks like he’s just about had it with her so precariously perched atop the table. “Down you get,” he urges, reaching up to help her off.

How he thinks he’ll be able to leave her side to return to a pack is beyond me. One day he’ll realize we are his pack—the five of us.

Arlanna folds easily into his arms as I trot over to where he’s corralling her, which is outside of the tent. He doesn’t like it when she’s stampeded. Once Arlanna is out in the sunshine, everyone focuses on Cassia, crowding her to offer what expertise they might have.

Of course, Cassia handles it all like the boss she is. I can already hear her doling out roles and picking point people so she can get everything properly delegated.

She’s a natural.

I join Gray and Arlanna, and the three of us trot toward the entrance to the property, leaving the friendly chaos behind us. “You sure kept that a surprise.”

Arlanna offers me an impish grin. “I like keeping you on your toes. I’m excited to…” But her phone rings, cutting her off. She’s the only one with a cell phone in the whole place, other than Nurse Jen, and it’s almost always glued to her face. “Hello?”

Her brows knit, so Gray and I lean in, picking out her father’s voice the further we get from the din. Arlanna hasn’t spoken to her father since he demanded a strand of her hair the night we escaped from prison. Her ability to enhance other people’s magic was brought to light by my own father, but it was her dad who found a way to manipulate her so he could capitalize on it.

They’ve been ignoring each other ever since her father demanded the token of a single hair from her in exchange for getting the police to let us live here, unbothered. He used his heightened persuasive magic to send away anyone who came to take us back to prison. Then he got the cabinet to officially set us free.

It was a good idea, really, but with the infamous Conan Valentine, there are always deadly strings attached to everything. I highly doubt he’ll confine his enhanced power of persuasion to altruistic endeavors.

“How are the houses, dear?” I hear him ask his daughter.

Arlanna holds the phone away from her ear so Gray and I can listen in. “Everything’s going well. Sloan mentioned he’s bringing the first fleet of mobile homes onto the property in a minute or so.”

“I’m glad I could help.”

Arlanna freezes. “You didn’t help. Sloan and I negotiated the whole thing.”

Conan Valentine chortles, and I suddenly want to choke him. “That’s right. You sure did. Funny how the landowner just so happened to want to sell you every mobile home at well below cost.”

“You’re not supposed to use your gift to hurt anyone. Bankrupting someone is hurting them. What did you do?”

“He’s more than fine, you softy. He just saw the benefit in helping my little girl make a name for herself.”

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