Sins of Mine - Mary E. Twomey Page 0,5

my fork in the direction of the breakfasters, who are chatting animatedly and smiling down the entire lengths of both tables. “I don’t think morale is an issue, but I look forward to whatever you’ve been working on so intensely for days now. I’ve got a meeting with Sloan in a bit. Can the surprise wait until after that?”

“Nope. Sloan’s coming with the surprise, so you won’t miss a thing. Actually, we should eat fast. Sloan’s idea of ‘on time’ is like, ten minutes early.”

She sets down her dog and starts shoveling in her breakfast at a quicker pace, but still pauses every other bite to feed Gray.

I don’t care that it’s dysfunctional. He’s eating, so I count it as a win.

I hate that she still puts her elbow in front of her plate, as if she’s expecting someone is going to come up and snatch her meal from her. That might take some time to groom out of her, but I look forward to the day when I can take my girlfriend out on a proper date, and we talk about glorious nothings.

Her cell phone chirps, alerting her to the fact that her meal is coming to a premature end. “Can you finish the rest, Gray? I need to go let Sloan in.” She turns and pecks my lips. “Pax, could you hit the gong? Everyone will want to see this.”

“Sure thing.” I have no intention of ending my meal early, so I bring my plate with me, grabbing up the mallet that’s in the far corner of the long tent. I give the gong a whack, and everyone goes silent.

Arlanna stands up on the table, allowing Gray to use his hands to steady her, though she doesn’t actually need the support. She grants everyone a passive smile that tells me she’s nervous at putting herself on the spot. She was just filled with lively energy, but in the midst of the people who taunted her and hurt her for so long, she’s more closed off.

I don’t blame her.

“Just one minute while the stragglers come in.” Her hands go to her stomach, straightening her cropped sweater and poising her body to appear more confident, though it’s clear she doesn’t feel it.

Gray stands near her with his feet on the grass, like he’s readying to catch her, in case she takes a tumble. It’s sweet, if not a little manic. Though, he’s interacting at least, so I don’t complain. He gives Everly Ann a short whistle, letting her know now is not the time for her yipping.

When the minute of wait time is up, the mess hall is silent. I can see Cassia and Charlotte holding hands near one of the tent’s corners.

Arlanna’s voice carries throughout the tent while Everly Ann whines that her mum is so precariously perched. “I just wanted to say how much I appreciate everyone being such a good sport about the tent situation. I know this isn’t what you all were planning on when we escaped. I’ve watched you all take turns with the showers, too. There’s so much of a family feel to this place; I’m humbled that I get to be part of it.” She pauses, and I watch her thumb twitch against her leg. She wants to fiddle with her sleeve, I can tell, but she maintains her composure. “Sloan and I have been working hard to make this place more livable for everyone. I didn’t want to say anything until it was a done deal, but I finally have more good news to share with you all.”

She’s stunning up there, standing on the table with her long chocolate hair twirled up in a ballerina bun. She’s always commanded my attention, but more often than not these days, she commands hundreds, who are happy to do whatever it is she asks.

“A generous donor stepped in to help us with more permanent housing.” Ripples of gasps spread throughout the tent, but no one dares speak to interrupt her. “The owner of a trailer park sold his land recently, and decided to give us the vacant trailers at cost. Some of them need some love and attention, but if we can pitch in and fix them up, there will be enough for every group of four here. I’ve been plotting out the land for days, and if we are able to move a few trees, our land will soon have its own beautiful neighborhood.”

The land is not ours. This land is hers, and she’s Copyright 2016 - 2024