The Shop on Blossom Street Page 0,113

the ordinary. Laurel's bed, which was across the room from her own, was empty.

Her roommate had been a real jerk lately. After that one brief episode of friendliness, Laurel had started ignoring her again. They were barely speaking but that was Laurel's doing, not Alix's. She'd done her best, tried to maintain a civil relationship. If Laurel said anything to her at all, it was rude or sarcastic.

Alix hadn't had any news lately about the fate of the apartment complex, but she suspected they'd be losing their place soon. Well, Alix had a plan. Once she had the means, she'd ditch her so-called friend and find a new roommate. The bogus drug bust last spring had been because of Laurel's stash, not hers. Nevertheless, Alix had paid the price.

In the beginning, Laurel had been apologetic and supportive, looking for ways to make it up to her. That had all changed. Most days she avoided Alix and even when she was around, all she did was sit in front of the television and eat. She hadn't even gone to her job at the drycleaner's all week.

Lying down again, Alix tugged the sheet up over her shoulders and closed her eyes, determined to go back to sleep. If Laurel was sick, then it was from all the ice cream she'd been eating. She must've gained fifty pounds in the last six months. None of her jeans zipped up and she looked grotesquely fat. Their relationship hadn't been helped by Laurel making a play for Jordan, either. Alix trusted Jordan, but she wasn't so sure about Laurel. She'd obviously gone to him hoping for sympathy - and who knew what else?

Alix never did learn what that was all about. Jordan hadn't volunteered and she hadn't asked. When she'd confronted Laurel, her roommate told her to mind her own freakin' business.

Alix was determined to blot out the muffled sounds coming from the other room. If Laurel needed her, then she could come and get her. Alix wasn't about to offer her help.

Just when Alix was drifting back to sleep, she heard a loud moan, as if Laurel was in horrible pain. Although she wasn't happy about it, Alix tossed aside her sheet and climbed out of bed.

The living room was dark, and it took her a minute to locate Laurel, who was prone on the sofa with her head braced against the arm. Her knees were bent and she'd draped a blanket over her legs.

"What's wrong?" Alix asked. She wanted it understood that she was none too pleased about having her sleep disturbed.

"Nothing. Go back to bed."

Alix hesitated, and then decided what the hell. Laurel wasn't willing to ask her for help. Fine, if that was how she wanted it.

"Whatever." Alix was two steps into the bedroom when for some reason she stopped. Faintly she heard Laurel whimper what sounded like: oh God, oh God, oh God.

Walking into the room again, Alix decisively flipped on the light. She stood with her hands on her hips, feet apart. "You're not all right. What's wrong?"

Laurel flung her head back and forth and refused to answer. Eyes shut against the light, she bit down on her lower lip and blood oozed from the sides of her mouth. Alix stared at her aghast.

"Laurel," she whispered.

Her roommate urgently stretched out her arm and when Alix took her hand, Laurel held it in a death grip. "Help me," she cried. "I can't do this...I thought...oh God, it hurts so much."

Alix fell to her knees beside the sofa. All at once, everything added up, and what should've been obvious suddenly exploded into her awareness. "You're in labor?"

Laurel nodded. "I couldn't tell you...I couldn't tell anyone."

"Does John know?"

Tears filled Laurel's eyes. "Why do you think he dumped me? He said he didn't want the baby. Or me. He promised he'd pay for an abortion, but he didn't show up with the money and I couldn't afford it."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"How could I?"

"We're friends." Some friends. Laurel had let her get arrested and yet she didn't trust Alix with the fact that she was pregnant.

Laurel closed her eyes and arched her back, moaning again.

Alix would figure it out later. Right now, she needed to get Laurel to a hospital. "I'll go out and find a phone, call for help."

"No!" Laurel screamed. Her hand crushed Alix's fingers. "Don't leave me. It won't be long can't be. I can't take the pain. I can't deal with this by myself."

"What should I do?" Alix Copyright 2016 - 2024