The Shop on Blossom Street Page 0,104

complete confidence. "You're too strong for that."

Alix didn't see herself as strong, but it pleased her that Laurel thought so.

"You'd never let anyone hurt you or use you the way John used me," she whispered.

"Get over him," Alix said for the thousandth time. She couldn't understand why Laurel had clung to a man who'd treated her so abominably. It didn't make sense, especially when she hadn't seen any sign of him in months.

Laurel looked away.

"You need to get out more," Alix told her.

Her roommate sighed unhappily. "I don't like anyone to see me when I'm so fat."

"Then stop eating."

"You make it sound easy, but it isn't, you know. It's hard to stop."

"Then take a walk every day. Walk instead of taking the bus. You'll be surprised at how quickly the fat will melt away with a little exercise."

"Like you know anything about needing to lose weight! You're perfect."

Alix hadn't realized her roommate had such a high opinion of her figure, but she was far from having a perfect body.

"Do you think you'll marry Jordan?"

Alix brushed aside the question with a short, humorless laugh. "Yeah, right." She grabbed her purse on the way to the door, but hesitated after twisting the knob. "Promise me you'll get out today. It doesn't do any good to sit around here and mope."

"All right."

Alix had just stepped out when Laurel stopped her. "Alix, thank you."

"For what?"

The question had apparently caught Laurel off guard. "For being my friend."

"Sure. No problem."

It seemed odd for Laurel to thank her, but Alix let the comment slide as she headed for the video store. Without Laurel there to keep her company, the days dragged. She felt guilty now that she hadn't talked to her roommate lately. In her own estimation, Alix hadn't been a good friend, but then Laurel had been pretty unpleasant, so she'd avoided her as much as possible. Any time Alix had tried to talk to her, which wasn't often, Laurel had put her off. Her roommate's one solace seemed to be ice cream. Alix considered her weak-willed, but now she saw how easy it was to judge. That morning's conversation was the first they'd had in weeks, and she was feeling more sympathetic toward her.

During her lunch break, Alix returned to the apartment, hoping to coax Laurel out. Maybe Laurel would be inclined to exercise if Alix offered to walk with her. To her surprise, Laurel wasn't there. She didn't keep tabs on Laurel's work schedule, and her hours seemed to change from week to week. Either Laurel was at work right now or she'd taken Alix's advice.

On the off-chance that Laurel was out walking, Alix started down Blossom Street, hoping to run into her. When she did find Laurel, however, she wasn't alone.

Jordan was with her.

They sat on a park bench in a shady area of the church grounds. Their heads were close together and they seemed engrossed in conversation.

Alix's initial reaction was anger, followed by a surge of jealousy. All those questions about Jordan had been a way of finding out about him so she could steal him away. Alix was half-tempted to march over and let it be known that she didn't appreciate her roommate butting in on her boyfriend. This was what she got for sympathizing with Laurel, for making an effort to help her.

Then she watched as her roommate broke into tears, buried her face in her hands and hunched forward. Jordan placed his hand on her back, and although Alix was too far away to hear, it looked like he was praying with her.

This was one of the qualities she loved about Jordan. There didn't seem to be anything she couldn't tell him. He genuinely cared for people and longed to comfort them. She had no right to be jealous. Nor did she have a single reason to doubt Jordan. Not once had he misled her or abused their friendship.

They'd talked about the meaning of trust and after the incident with the pastor's daughter, he'd asked her to trust him. It'd been easy to assure him she did - but at the time he wasn't touching her roommate. Determined to put her promise into action, she turned away and went back to work.

Just before closing, Jordan came to the video store. "How about a coffee when you're through?" he said.

"Sure." She couldn't help the burst of happiness she felt.

He suggested they meet at Annie's Cafe and she agreed. He was in a booth, with two cups of coffee waiting by Copyright 2016 - 2024